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thinking of buying a cruiser

Gixxus Christ!

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Those are stock pipes with the baffles punched out, so he says. They were on it when he bought it.

If he/they did not change the intake then you don't need to do any jetting. I would make him start it cold though. I wouldn't worry about it running rough until it warms up but I would want to make sure there isn't a cold start knock or abnormal lifter tic. Some of that is to be expected but I would still want to hear it.

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Saber looks nice but its over my budget and too far away. Cooter, I work with the owner, he's a 65 yr old machinist. I seriously doubt he could even treat a fat hooker like a fat hooker. Bike has been taken care of, that's for sure. Definitely want to hear it start cold, I know most Hondas are cold blooded bitches anyway, so maybe it doesn't like to run cold. I'll take another gander this weekend and have him cold start it.

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Have you ever been in an old folks home? Ask one of those guys what they'd do with a fat hooker? Of you think the answers going to be play cards and sip prune juice. The real answers would give you nightmares. Old people are down with the Jiggle and wiggle although its more of a sag and sway.

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Found a shadow cruiser for the wife. She loves it....I have taken it out...different ride...lose 45 mph in corners....rides a bit harsh for me....but still nice to cruise.....only complaint is the short range to tankfull. Only get 92 miles to tank and then its push it to gas station.....so pick your routes to include lots of gas stations. Saddle bags are nice too. Put my rain gear in it when I ride it to work....she....says...why you taking my bike you got your own. Noticed her touring scooter is faster and handles better than this Shadow. BUT...still like it!

Yeah...its cold blooded...run awhile with choke out.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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Found a shadow cruiser for the wife..........Only get 92 miles to tank and then its push it to gas station.....

750? What year? Mine hit reserve at 100 but had 30 or 40 on reserve. Sounds like the fuel pump is bad or went bad and got removed. Your description sounds exactly like when that happens.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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Yep 750 - 1993.... we just make sure we stop before 90 miles! Thanks for tip...will check it out....I putted around on it - since no gas gauge and 92 miles it quit...on reserve...and I pushed it home (needed the exercise)...former owner got 100 miles out of tankful.

In hindsight...it may merely be a capacity issue...small peanut tank on it! Prolee ain't much more than a gallon.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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Yep 750 - 1993.... we just make sure we stop before 90 miles! Thanks for tip...will check it out....I putted around on it - since no gas gauge and 92 miles it quit...on reserve...and I pushed it home (needed the exercise)...former owner got 100 miles out of tankful.

In hindsight...it may merely be a capacity issue...small peanut tank on it! Prolee ain't much more than a gallon.

I think maybe you have a 1993 600, with a 2.4 gallon tank. If that is what it is you are doing ok at 100 miles.

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It's got decent power for what it is, looks and sounds good. Super comfy and the fiance loves it on the back.

Sweet deal, and a completely different world for both of you. Sometimes I think it would feel good to have something to kick back on and enjoy a comfy, less spirited machine to keep my knees, back, wrists, and hands happier

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Yeah, the super sports kill my wrists, ass and shoulders after a while. This has a big ole comfy seat and buck-horn handlebars. Back seat has a sissy bar for the wifey. It's been a few years since we've been able to go on a ride without borrowing my dads lowrider. We really missed being able to just hop on a bike and take a ride since I tore the cb750 apart.

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my first bike when i was 18 was a 98 shadow 600.. loved it.. sat low to the ground, comfy, AWESOME first bike to learn the ways.. i now own a supersport bike and i will never own another cruiser until my body tells me enough is enough, kind of where your at.. but i think you got a great deal, i ended up selling mine for 3500 with 20k on it.. cruisers are comfy, but they're not nearly as fun and thrilling at sports.. my wife was complaining of the ride on the sport bikes, so i told her to learn to ride and get her own bike.. and she did.. maybe thats something you should think about too.

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Wow, that new winger looks awesome but I'm not old or rich enough to own one yet. I'm not getting rid of my supersport, I love it too much and I can still spend half the day on it if I take breaks often enough. I'm hoping to have the cb850 project finished over the winter, then maybe ill cafe it out for shits and giggles.

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That wing is kinda cool. No doubt they are asking a healthy price for it.

I checked out of curiosity and was surprised that it was less than I expected. It's around $20,000. Which is up there for a bike but compared to other cruisers its not bad. That means next year they could be under $15k lightly used. If so I may add one to my stable.

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I checked out of curiosity and was surprised that it was less than I expected. It's around $20,00. Which is up there for a bike but compared to other cruisers its not bad. That means next year they could be under $15k lightly used. If so I may add one to my stable.

Not sure about $15k for a lightly used one. Have you priced a used Goldwing lately? They ain't cheap. I've been contemplating for a while, but the wife says we aren't old enough yet. I'm getting close, but she isn't.

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Not sure about $15k for a lightly used one. Have you priced a used Goldwing lately? They ain't cheap. I've been contemplating for a while, but the wife says we aren't old enough yet. I'm getting close, but she isn't.

The brand new price is $20,000 for the model listed (I missed a zero). I don't think its too much of a stretch that a used one would go for $5,000 less after these have been out a year. These aren't the full size ones all they have is a glove box and hard saddle bags, no touring box. It's their attempt to get at the younger cruiser crowd who doesn't want to go full size yet.

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