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Voting on weed


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Cooter, the fact that irresponsible people are already using drugs in an irresponsible manner with them being illegal does not serve as evidence that more people will do the same if they are legal. I for one am not a proponent of legalizing every drug, having tried them all I definitely feel some should not be on the open market. My point is this: your arguments ate at the best, sloppily laced together with examples of your own unique experience. What countries like Denmark and Luxembourg have found out is that drug abuse will always exist, by decriminalizing drugs they turn it from a law enforcement issue to a health issue. Instead of jailing people who can't handle their shit, they treat them. And it works!

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^ you contradicted yourself about 15 times in that last paragraph alone

In 8 sentences? You must have read into it and misunderstood the point.

I tried it and it being illegal and not cheap were the two reasons I stopped.

The reasons I never tried the "hard" drugs were,

1 They were illegal with greater consequences for getting busted.

2. I had no idea where the hell to find them.

If there were no legal consequences for harder drugs hell I probably would have tried them. With the extreme addictive qualities of most of those drugs I probably would have gotten hooked. Legalizing all drugs is a bad idea period.

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Cooter, the fact that irresponsible people are already using drugs in an irresponsible manner with them being illegal does not serve as evidence that more people will do the same if they are legal. I for one am not a proponent of legalizing every drug, having tried them all I definitely feel some should not be on the open market. My point is this: your arguments ate at the best, sloppily laced together with examples of your own unique experience. What countries like Denmark and Luxembourg have found out is that drug abuse will always exist, by decriminalizing drugs they turn it from a law enforcement issue to a health issue. Instead of jailing people who can't handle their shit, they treat them. And it works!

Doing drugs is not the only illegal part of doing drugs its the actions people take while under the influence of drugs and the actions people take to fund their drug habit.

The majority of people my co-workers and I arrest are commiting the crime to get money to pay for drugs. Whether the drug was legal or not people will still need money for the drug and will be looking at the quickest way to get that money which is normally crime.

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Smh......look man, this problem is not going to go away. We've been wasting billions of tax dollars on this un-winnable war on drugs and it hasn't effected one change. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always had.

What we've always had is a huge prison population of non-violent drug offenders, truckloads of money wasted on drug task forces, lives ruined over simple posession by the mandatory minimum and three strike laws, and the whole time its just pushing more money into.the hands of drug cartels.

What we've been doing isn't fucking working man. It's time to try something else.

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What do you do for a living? You say you arrest people, but you're not a cop, your profile says 'security'

Are you a mall ninja?

Mall ninjas can't arrest people.

I'll pm you about what I currently do.

I used to work in prison and I saw the effects that drugs have had on peoples lives. While some smaller cases and crimes could have better punishment you can only help those that want help. On the flip side the serious consequences of simple possession should be enough of a reason to not do it. If you do the crime you've accepted the risk of the punishment. A lesser punishment would make people more willing to commit the crime.

People still rob banks making it legal will not make the problem go away.

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I'll agree to disagree with you on this, its just going nowhere. You want it to remain a criminal problem, I want it to become a health issue. You want imprisonment, I want treatment. Neither of us are going to budge, so I'm calling it quits.

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In 8 sentences? You must have read into it and misunderstood the point.

I tried it and it being illegal and not cheap were the two reasons I stopped.

The reasons I never tried the "hard" drugs were,

1 They were illegal with greater consequences for getting busted.

2. I had no idea where the hell to find them.

If there were no legal consequences for harder drugs hell I probably would have tried them. With the extreme addictive qualities of most of those drugs I probably would have gotten hooked. Legalizing all drugs is a bad idea period.

It was a hyperbole, I could go line by line and list them out, but I dont have that kind of time on my hands.

Basically though, f you decide not to do something because it is illegal, price and availability have no influence on the decision.....those are contradictions in the bullet points you keep listing out. Also, if you are basing decisions on legality, you wouldn't drink just because one day it will become legal....you will obey the law. You drew an arbitrary line in the law based on your morals and the facts you knew.

That arbitrary line is the reason I think making drugs illegal is counterproductive.

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So I'm assuming if someone walked up and offered you some blow you would do it, because that just negated two of your arguments for not doing it. In fact; since it is a one time thing and coke cleans out quick you are not likely to get caught, so that actually negates all three arguments.

If not, there is something more than the 3 points you are listing out.....and that is why the majority of the population will not all of a sudden become pot heads and crack addicts if all drugs were legalized.

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So I'm assuming if someone walked up and offered you some blow you would do it, because that just negated two of your arguments for not doing it. In fact; since it is a one time thing and coke cleans out quick you are not likely to get caught, so that actually negates all three arguments.

If not, there is something more than the 3 points you are listing out.....and that is why the majority of the population will not all of a sudden become pot heads and crack addicts if all drugs were legalized.

The main reason for not doing drugs for me was they were illegal. I could justify to myself drinking because it was legal for most people. It could be picked up by an older friend in the grocery store easily accessible. The reason I tried weed was the whole its ok for you its not addictive its not a big deal if you get caught. Coke on the other hand would be a big deal if I got caught. Heck I wouldn't be able to have my current job now if I had done coke. They looked past pot but coke would have made me unsuitable. Also no one ever offered me free coke so your argument there holds no weight.

The illegality was the biggest factor in not trying the drugs. If the others were legal I probably would have tried them. Same as I like most people tried cigs and booze without a second thought. The punishment for the hard drugs was greater than the punishment for weed cigs or booze.

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why won't you just let us smoke, maaaaaaaan?

why do you hate our freedoms?

I said earlier I'm not opposed to weed being legalized just that regulations for it need sorted out. It's the other drugs I'm saying shouldn't be legalized.

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More home invasions linked to the pursuit and addictions of prescription narcotics than anything else. They are basically legal and readily available, yet cause so many deaths and violence in this country. Don't hear much negativity about marijuana these days, and if I were to guess, not too many deaths are linked to an OD or violent shooting or killing spree. It all comes down to choice, a man has got to know his limitations, and you choose to do or not to do. Doing drugs and alcohol doesnt ruin people's lives, they ruin their own lives. I can bet you that the spoon/knife/fork kills more people in this country than anything else.

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I don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand that a non physically addictive drug is not the problem and its the god damn loser of a person who fails to control themselves. If they can't make good decisions involving a plant, they can't make good decisions period

With a physically addictive drug, I'm a little more lenient but even then I still think the user is a weak and feeble minded loser who isn't strong enough to not be so. Thus leads back to the person being the problem

I also love how the main people who do not agree with this line of thinking are conservatives or libertarians and goes against that natural line of thinking. Once again I point out NANNY STATE and you're the problem helping to turn New America the way it is. Hand outs and no accountability is a joke

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Pot isn't the problem. Marriage is the problem. I wouldn't need to smoke like a fiend of I weren't married.

And the homosexuals are upset because there are straight people opposed to them getting married.

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I don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand that a non physically addictive drug is not the problem...

With a physically addictive drug, I'm a little more lenient...

My point was that there are few studies either way, but the fact that some build up a tolerance suggests that there is a physical addiction in some cases.

I still agree with you that it should be legalized, and laws intended to protect people from themselves are misguided.

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Tolerance and addiction do not go hand in hand. I have a ridiculously awesome tolerance with alcohol and I'm not the least bit addicted

I'm in no way saying tolerance = addiction...

Merely that increased physical tolerance suggests a physical change, not just a psychological one.

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Who the hell is Carl Sagen and why would he apply here. He was a Socialist.

Why do you ask who someone is (while misspelling their name) then tell someone that they are a socialist?

Carl Sagan is a brilliant orator, and a decent philosopher. But what does his view of the role of federal government have to do with his view on marijuana?

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