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How Bout That Election?


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all of the above

Wasn't my pick and I don't have much hope of this moving forward business but never in my life will I be happier to eat crow if things start moving in a positive direction

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I was pretty indifferent to who won - they both have ideas that i like/dislike. I am disappointed that we're going to have to choose between the same 2 parties at the next election.

I am genuinely confused about why 3rd parties don't get more votes. Is it the 'wasting my vote' mentality? Is it because people don't know what the 3rd parties stand for? Is it because they don't spend enough money???

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I am genuinely confused about why 3rd parties don't get more votes. Is it the 'wasting my vote' mentality? Is it because people don't know what the 3rd parties stand for? Is it because they don't spend enough money???

It's the wasted vote mentality, along with the Ross Perot debacle.

I knew I was throwing away my vote, but I didn't care.

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I am genuinely confused about why 3rd parties don't get more votes. Is it the 'wasting my vote' mentality? Is it because people don't know what the 3rd parties stand for? Is it because they don't spend enough money???

Yes, I believe it is that exactly.

What is the point of voting for somebody who has no chance at all?

Why do we vote for judges when there is only one on the ballot?

Etc, etc...

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The bipartisan system is broken and no longer works as intended. George Washington even said it would only lead to problems in the future and that old wooden toothed bastard was right!

I truly believe things need to be shaken up in that regard

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the bipartisan system is broken and no longer works as intended. George washington even said it would only lead to problems in the future and that old wooden toothed bastard was right!

I truly believe things need to be shaken up in that regard


There are LOTS of other people that would be just as fit to be in office. But this country is so dumb now that the sheeple will blindly pick the left or right and not look in the middle.

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There are LOTS of other people that would be just as fit to be in office. But this country is so dumb now that the sheeple will blindly pick the left or right and not look in the middle.

basic sociology: The group precedes the individual.

People that voted for Johnson or Stein told me that I threw my vote away for writing in Ron Paul.

It's this whole "party" mentality that we need to overcome.

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I'm too lazy too find the actual quote or propely attribute it, but the gist is that Democracy always fails once people realize that they can vote for the government to give them things.

It's the beginning of the end of democracy. Not the end of America, but certainly a transition. Candidates are winning by promising to take care of us, and for whatever misguided reason, many Americans are viewing that as a good thing. What I think they fail to fully understand is that, on a scale of 1-10, the government can only provide us with a "3 or 4" level of existence, but we're all free to achieve a 10 on our own.

Things start to look a lot like communism when the government is providing for everyone. Everyone will be more equal. Equally poor. yay?

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and add having to pay with my being grumpier than usual for having to go to many god damn seminars about health care and what we have to do as a company to deal with it which in turns me to have to deal w it

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I'm too lazy too find the actual quote or propely attribute it, but the gist is that Democracy always fails once people realize that they can vote for the government to give them things.

It's the beginning of the end of democracy. Not the end of America, but certainly a transition. Candidates are winning by promising to take care of us, and for whatever misguided reason, many Americans are viewing that as a good thing. What I think they fail to fully understand is that, on a scale of 1-10, the government can only provide us with a "3 or 4" level of existence, but we're all free to achieve a 10 on our own.

Things start to look a lot like communism when the government is providing for everyone. Everyone will be more equal. Equally poor. yay?

It's the under 30 (millennials),women, and minority voters. The millennial generation is going to screw up everything because they don't want to work hard and are used to everything handed to them. Of course touring around with Jay Z doesn't hurt. I don't think people want to make their own decisions anymore.

I'm not looking forward to the next four years.

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My favorite quote of the whole night was Lindsey Graham...

”If I hear anybody say it was because Romney wasn’t conservative enough I’m going to go nuts. We’re not losing 95% of African-Americans and two-thirds of Hispanics and voters under 30 because we’re not being hard-ass enough.”
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