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hit and run


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well long story short, some guy cut me off yesterday after cutting across 4 lanes of travel and i blew my horn at him, he took offense and brake checked me, I swereved around him to keep from ass ending him at 60mph(in my car) and returned the favor. He then decided to pass me in the shoulder on an on ramp and swerve into my drivers side mirror which of course broke off. I followed him while on the phone ot dispatch(columbus pd) and they advised me to cease the following. I pulled over on Lane Ave and waited for the cops to come(which took enitrely to fucking long might I add) and the responding officers said the following to me:

Cop: tell us how you came into contact with him

Me: read above.

Cop: well it sounds to me like you guys are both hotheaded. Would you like us to take a report?

Me: well considering he took my fucking mirror off yes I would.

Cop: we can do that but you should know that if we take a report and confront the guy about it, he his most likely going to have a different story and either nothing will come out of it and all charges will be dropped then you pay out of pocket for your mirror, or you both will be charged and your going to have to pay a fine and for your mirror out of pocket. What would you like to do?

Me: I guess let you gentlemen go about your day and find the guy myself, this is bullshit.

Cop: I wouldnt do that, both parties show up as having CCW's

Me: my plates are under my dads name and he has one, I guess thats why disptach told me to stop following eh?

Cop: yep they did not want it to escalate farther

Me: K. Have a nice day.

So recap. I got hit, he can, i called po po, he had a gun, magz wasnt there to help throw bows, cops handled it(IMO) in a shitty way.

What would YOU do?

Its Light blue Honda Pilot LP 'Fig 8777' if anyone sees this dickhead on OSU's main campus.

Disclosure: I have the utmost respect for cops and was actually coming home from my Policing class, this is in no way shape or form a cop bashing thread, although I do think they could have done more then threaten to cite me for getting hit.


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I have this happen all the time on 270, actually at least 2 days a week each way, totaling 4 times in 5 days of commuting. I wouldn't exactly chase him or look for someone BUT if I was maybe getting off the same exit I would let it be known I wasn't happy. I wouldn't exit my vehicle or anything, but some yelling etc would be fine.

Now depending how bad it was when he swerved or brake checked you, then it may have gone to game on.

I don't think or care if someone else has a CCW, if Im carrying I trust in my skill set.

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I have this happen all the time on 270, actually at least 2 days a week each way, totaling 4 times in 5 days of commuting. I wouldn't exactly chase him or look for someone BUT if I was maybe getting off the same exit I would let it be known I wasn't happy. I wouldn't exit my vehicle or anything, but some yelling etc would be fine.

Now depending how bad it was when he swerved or brake checked you, then it may have gone to game on.

I don't think or care if someone else has a CCW, if Im carrying I trust in my skill set.

Yelling at him is what provoked Dick to swerve into me. Im asking for what you would have done after contact had been made?

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Maybe I've gotten soft in my old age but I never road rage anymore. When people do dumb shit that results in "close calls" it just adds excitement to my otherwise boring life. You definitely escalated that situation. I don't even know how to use the horn on my car.

If I was just going about my business though and someone hit a vehicle I cared about, I would follow them until they stopped and verify the driver. It's like a game in Cleveland: hit and run then claim someone else was driving. The cops don't look into it much further and no one has insurance anyway.

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I guess I don't understand what your saying. Just tell cops he hit me and ran?


"I was coming up this off ramp, some jackass sideswiped me like an idiot, I signaled to pull over, and he just kept going, so I got his license plate, and called you."

let them deal with the rest of the story.

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"I was coming up this off ramp, some jackass sideswiped me like an idiot, I signaled to pull over, and he just kept going, so I got his license plate, and called you."

let them deal with the rest of the story.

I'm guessing its too late since I've already spoken with "the man"?

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I was driving on 23N near Delaware a long time ago about 8 years. I came up behind a work truck with 4 guys in it at a stop light. They took off from the light and were throwing beer bottles out onto the road and swerving. I got in the left lane and passed them set my cruise control at 63 (8 over). When there was enough room to get over into the right lane again I did. They then flew up behind me and started riding my ass even though the left lane was open for them to pass. I slowed down to 55 so they'd go around me. Nothing they still stayed behind me. I was in my camaro at the time so I sped back up to 63 (still in a 55 zone). Then they came speeding back up on me so I brake checked em and went back up to 63. Then they came up on me again only this time the pulled beside me to pass. Which was fine with me I didn't want to be near these guys. When they got beside me the passenger through a brick at me that hit right behind my drivers window. Then they tried to speed away up the road but I had no problem keeping up. I got their plate and called Delaware PD. They got off at the 36 exit as I was on the phone with the dispatch. Then I saw them throw several bottles out in to the brush which I told the dispatch. Dispatch told me they had a unit on the way that will take care of it so just pull over. So I did. Cop gets there 20min later to basically tell me there's nothing they can do. I asked him what about the dent put in my car by the brick? As far as I'm concerned that's at least assault if not attempted murder. He told me they have morrow county looking for the truck since that's where the truck was registered. But it was my word against his and they couldn't take prints off the brick so it was pointless. I asked what about them drinking? they were obviously drunk and could kill someone. He said hopefully Morrow country gets em.

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You completely fucked yourself out of viable retaliation. You know his car and his plate. You should have just handled your business on your own. Now if anything happens to his Honda' date=' the police are going to your house first.[/quote']

If he did this shit to me, what makes you think he doesn't have other people pissed at him?

Moral of this thread? Cops are useless in most situations.

This I don't agree with. But I'm biased.

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Moral of this thread? Cops are useless in most situations.

Not really it just shows how pointless it is to road rage with someone unless your going to handle it. The cops are going to de-escalate the situation ASAP so they don't end up with a situation like the one where the former OSU player was shooting at that guy a little while back.

What can the cop base his PC on to make the stop? Him saying I saw the guy do (whatever) isn't enough to make a traffic stop. Maybe with multiple witnesses but just one person saying this is what happened only gives him reasonable suspicion at best.

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Too many times have I tried to do the civil thing and go to police about a problem I have had (being run off the road, personal property damaged/destroyed and the like) and every time all I get is "well it would just be a he said, she said situation and nothing will come from it". IP is right, cops are usually useless

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What can the cop base his PC on to make the stop? Him saying I saw the guy do (whatever) isn't enough to make a traffic stop. Maybe with multiple witnesses but just one person saying this is what happened only gives him reasonable suspicion at best.

Can't they pull you over now just to check insurance? If so, that gets the guy pulled over, then his story plus paint or a dent from his mirror on the other door make for good evidence. If I'm mistaken, then at least the OP's story sounds like a better story for "probable cause" than most of the bullshit people I know get pulled over for.

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I hate to play Devil's advocate here, but I see both parties as guilty in escalating things until contact was made. I think that's pretty much what Office Flapjack was telling you. Yes, he hit your car, but there was some provocation. It's kind of like yelling at a dude telling him to hit you and then when he does, saying, "Shit, that guy just punched me!" Just my opinion from the outside in, and not saying that I haven't been guilty of fucking with an asshole driver myself. I'd just get the mirror fixed and go about your business...

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Never brake check some one back. A co-worker got into "dueling cars" back in the 90s. Result was two cars damaged front and rear, both drivers arrested and charged with reckless operation, and both cars impounded. Some other driver stayed clear and called it in.

To me, brake checking is nothing more than a signal that the driver wants to fight.

And no, the driver you encountered should not have a CCW.

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I run into assholes everyday on the way to work, I avoid atleast 2 accidents PER DAY, hell I almost smacked a wall avoiding a truck that COMPLETELY took over my lane, I just blew my horn and laid on my breaks. The guy didnt give a.fuck, sure it pissed me off, I should of just let the asshole hit me but meh, wasn't worth chasing his ass down., fuck em, sorry to say but in my opinion you instigated him even further. I get hotheaded myself sometimes, especially if I've already had a bad day, but "returning the favor" should have never taken place and this whole hit and run situation probably would have never came about.

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While on by bike I had a asshat in a big truck cut me off the other day on purpose and then laugh I just braked hard and fell in behind him. About a mile up the road we came to a red light he was going straight thru the light I was making a right turn so I stopped at his rear tires. I could see him watching me in his mirror I reached in to my pocket and pulled out a big handful of air and pretended to throw it under his rear wheels I did it 3 times just as the light turn green I gave him a big wave and took off and made the turn I could see him run around the truck and check his rear wheels I could not stop laughing my ass off the rest of the way home.

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Typically carrying when I am riding or driving, so a hot-head I am not, even if me being so is justified. Not returning aggression and especially not flying the bird tends to alleviate the problem. Would I be and have I been upset or almost have shit my pants in some situations.....yes. What matters is you are safe and will still get to where you are heading, although might still be rattled or pissed off when you get there. Motorcycle vs car loses every time in situations like that, a good airhorn is a nice option to scare them "irritate them too".:D

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While on by bike I had a asshat in a big truck cut me off the other day on purpose and then laugh I just braked hard and fell in behind him. About a mile up the road we came to a red light he was going straight thru the light I was making a right turn so I stopped at his rear tires. I could see him watching me in his mirror I reached in to my pocket and pulled out a big handful of air and pretended to throw it under his rear wheels I did it 3 times just as the light turn green I gave him a big wave and took off and made the turn I could see him run around the truck and check his rear wheels I could not stop laughing my ass off the rest of the way home.

:lol:That's hilarious.

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Back in the day.........I would have simply followed him and............no cops, just me in my car and him in his. I can't begin to relate how many times in my youth where I did not let things like this go and would go to far reaching efforts to retaliate. Now, if that happened, I would let it go after the first encounter. There is no point and nothing to gain by taking it further. I know firsthand, believe you me.

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