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No more ding dongs!


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Way to stick it to the rich man, unions!

Open your eyes a little wider. The union is to blame for this as much as they were to blame for the loss of all those good old buggy wheel maker and switch board operators jobs in the past.

How many of us ate this kind of crap daily growing up, yet only buy one once in a great while now? I doubt if my kids have ever eaten any of this crap.

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The Teamsters Union thinks the Bakers Union just shot themselves in the foot.

Actually, also shot the Teamsters Union in the foot. Shot everyone in the foot.

Salary employees took an 8% cut.

Teamsters took a cut.

Bakers said no, and now 18,000+ employees looking for work.

And no twinkies for you...

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Seriuosly poser.... They still sell the s//t outta those things along a with a biggy called wonder bread. Ever heard of it....... The union IS what drove it into the ground, just like GM. They are nothing more than an exstortion racket anymore..... More money for less work. Why the hell do ya think everything gets built over seas anymore....... DUH

Heres a kick in the balls.... That same union is in dannon minster where my wife works.:nono:

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The union IS what drove it into the ground, just like GM. They are nothing more than an exstortion racket anymore..... More money for less work.

^This. I have a coworker who used to be a maintainance electrician at GM, which he affectionately referred to as Generous Motors. He told me stories of reading the paper/sleeping/eating/playing cards for 80-90% of his shift. Purposely being called in to "help fix a machine" to rack up overtime hours, and..............I could go on forever. All while making 120K a year.

Then, he got layed off. :confused:

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Open your eyes a little wider. The union is to blame for this as much as they were to blame for the loss of all those good old buggy wheel maker and switch board operators jobs in the past.

How many of us ate this kind of crap daily growing up, yet only buy one once in a great while now? I doubt if my kids have ever eaten any of this crap.


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^This. I have a coworker who used to be a maintainance electrician at GM, which he affectionately referred to as Generous Motors. He told me stories of reading the paper/sleeping/eating/playing cards for 80-90% of his shift. Purposely being called in to "help fix a machine" to rack up overtime hours, and..............I could go on forever. All while making 120K a year.

Then, he got layed off. :confused:

He work at the GM in Mansfield? I have the same stories from friends dads etc. Heck one family(I dated his daughter), dude worked every holiday, every weekend etc. Built this HUGE house, always had brand new cars/trucks GM of course, boats, guns, etc. Then once they realized the plant was basically losing money from all the people skimming like he was, they shut it down. They are about to lose everything, from what I heard he cashed his 401k out, wife is still working as a teacher, and his parents have been paying their bills for them.

He'd tell me stories of being on the line, sleeping, going out to eat, everything, oh he worked 2nd shift too, so made even more. I'm sure he made well over 120K a year.

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