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Fostered dog


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My wife wanted to go look at a rescued malty-poo today at the home of the person who is fostering the dog from the shelter. The foster carer just contacted us and asked my wife to reschedule so other prospective adopters can visit at the same time.

Is this normal? My wife didn't like this at all, seeing it as setting up a competition/confrontation for the dog where someone could make a rash decision under pressure. We need to have the whole family meet this dog, including our existing dogs, and can't do that in one visit. She told the foster carer she wouldn't be there. If the dog still needs a home afterwards then we're still interested.


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I know these places are trying to look out for the dogs but a lot of them make it so difficult and drawn out that I am amazed that they actually find people to take the animals.

Have to. Or you get people returning dogs FAR too often.

When we have multiple applications for an adoptable dog, 90% of the decisions on where the dog goes are based on a gut reaction to the person applying. The other 10% are factors like whether or not they have a fenced yard, other dogs, kids, etc.

But the scenario you describe is why we only do meets at the rescue org and not the foster home. The foster family should only be concerned with what is best for the dog. The rescue can be the bad guy and tell Mrs. Scruit that they chose the other family.

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The foster carer turned down the other person who was interested as it turns out they never had a dog before and live 3 hours away (this place requires a home visit)

The dog is here now meeting the family and will be returned to the foster place in an hour. He's getting along well with our other two dogs which is a relief.

We'll see how it goes.

The dog's story is that he was owned for 7 years by an older couple and was not neutered, never got dentals etc. Has lost all the front teeth on the top to decay but the rest are good. Recently neutered and up to date on shots now. Basically the owners died together and the adult children tied his leash to the door of the shelter after hours. That was it. They also left his collar with name/address on it so the shelter was able to contact then and get the backstory. He's really sweet but shy around me and has an apparent fear of hand tools like scissors, screwdrivers etc. They can't explain this. I wonder if he was mistreated by the former man of the house.


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Well, we now have a new dog. :-)

Congrats brother! We have a Yorki Chon, same type deal. Nice because they're hypoallergenic. My son is allergic to pet dander and our dog is fine. Glad to see they either didn't notice the Big Brother setup, or maybe thought they were on some show so gave you the dog... :D

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We tried to do the 'rescue' bit and found the paperwork and hassle to be excruciating. Then there was the cost. $300-$400 was a bit much to expect someone who was offering to provide a loving home for a needy dog. We can get a dog neutered and all its shots for much less. Imho it sounded more like a money making proposition for the place instead of them really looking out for the dog. We kept looking and found a cute little Shi poo that needed a home. That was 2 years ago, and she is our little baby.

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$400 probably doesn't begin to cover the actual vet and food expenses, but $150 is the standard adoption fee for the rescue we work with. Ensures people are serious, and helps recover some expenses.

Dogs are smart, but of you smack them around enough, they start to think they did something to deserve it. I rather enjoy building that trust back.

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This dog is now called Pip (was called Flipper - seriously?!?!) He was severely underweight, teeth rotting out his head etc.

The foster home found him in a shelter in Marion. He was due to be euthanized and the foster home agreed to take him but then another rescue org came in and agreed to take a large group of dogs so the foster home backed off. Shortly thereafter the foster home found out that the rescue group passed on Pip because he was too old (8) but nobody said anything. He was about to be euthanized and the foster home owner drove up there in a panic to rescue him. Was at the foster home for a month to gain weight and get all his shots etc. Now he's with us. He'll be happy here.

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that's a happy ending, and i know a thing or two about those.

i remember when we got our pup from the cuyahoga county shelter. he had been on dick goddard's show and everything, and nobody took him and was apparently getting closed to being euthanized (the only reason we found him was because my gf at the time was volunteering at the shelter once a week, helping to walk dogs, etc). i have no idea why, many people who meet our gatsby thinks he's the best pup ever, and he's inspired more than a couple people to adopt instead of buying from a puppy mill or breeder like they had originally planned.

any way, happy to hear about your new addition. going to put on normal jbot face now.

gang bangs, and such.

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Wow. Not such a happy ending. We bought a new crate for this dog and set it next to the other two. As the dogs went to sleep tonight Pip was in the wrong crate and went for me as I tried to get him out. I have an 8-year old and I'm not going to tolerate a dog that has a propensity to attack.

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that's a happy ending, and i know a thing or two about those.

i remember when we got our pup from the cuyahoga county shelter. he had been on dick goddard's show and everything, and nobody took him and was apparently getting closed to being euthanized (the only reason we found him was because my gf at the time was volunteering at the shelter once a week, helping to walk dogs, etc). i have no idea why, many people who meet our gatsby thinks he's the best pup ever, and he's inspired more than a couple people to adopt instead of buying from a puppy mill or breeder like they had originally planned.

any way, happy to hear about your new addition. going to put on normal jbot face now.

gang bangs, and such.

There is a thing called "black dog syndrome" many people pass up black mutts because they all look the same or have no curb appeal. The shelter I worked at in high school usually kept the black dogs much longer than the others. We had to pretty much force people to play with a dog they passed up on because they were a better fit but didn't adhere to their beautiy standards.

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Wow. Not such a happy ending. We bought a new crate for this dog and set it next to the other two. As the dogs went to sleep tonight Pip was in the wrong crate and went for me as I tried to get him out. I have an 8-year old and I'm not going to tolerate a dog that has a propensity to attack.

Aaaaaand this is why there is an application process.

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Most of those adaoption places are completely screwed up in their own way. I despise many of them.

They turned down my dad because they asked if he would cage the dog whenever he left the house and at night and he said no. Yeah they basically wanted the dog caged 90% of the time. WTF..

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@scruit: first night in a new place, with new people and new dogs for an abused pup - give him a chance to adjust. besides, you said all his teeth rotted out, so he's gonna gum you to death?

give the poor guy a week to adjust, please. he's (probably) not trying to be difficult, he might be scared, confused, etc.

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@scruit: first night in a new place, with new people and new dogs for an abused pup - give him a chance to adjust. besides, you said all his teeth rotted out, so he's gonna gum you to death?

give the poor guy a week to adjust, please. he's (probably) not trying to be difficult, he might be scared, confused, etc.

Totally agree.

EVERY dog has the propensity to attack, it just depends on how scared they are.

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Wow. Not such a happy ending. We bought a new crate for this dog and set it next to the other two. As the dogs went to sleep tonight Pip was in the wrong crate and went for me as I tried to get him out. I have an 8-year old and I'm not going to tolerate a dog that has a propensity to attack.


If you're not prepared to deal with the issues a dog my have then you should have never signed up to take him.

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If you're not prepared to deal with the issues a dog my have then you should have never signed up to take him.

So then I found out that the foster carer is aware of his propensity to snarl etc and this happens whenever he's unhappy. She says "Just let him have his way". :nono:

The foster carer knew we had a kid, said the dog was good with kids. A dog that snarls and snaps when unhappy is NOT "good with kids". I would have liked to have had that information before I signed up.

I'm no stranger to dogs - or rescue animals. I've rescued a dog and a cat over the years, and had 5 dogs over the years. I know how to deal with dogs. I will put up with the chewing, toilet training, walking, feeding, grooming, bathing, vet stuff, boarding - that's all fine. What I will NOT put up with, though, is an aggressive dog that snarls and snaps when unhappy which has been trained through passive ownership that this is acceptable - especially when I have a child in the house. He's 16lb, easily big enough to seriously hurt my son.

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