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Health costs?


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My wifes birthcontrol went up from $5 to $11 dollars just this month. So it more than doubled and I pay a lot for my so called benefits. Odd that it happened the month of the election.

Not odd at all. Open enrollment is Always this time of year. Did the new amounts take effect yet, or with the new plan year?

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My wifes birthcontrol went up from $5 to $11 dollars just this month. So it more than doubled and I pay a lot for my so called benefits. Odd that it happened the month of the election.

Nah you are just obviously paranoid.

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Not odd at all. Open enrollment is Always this time of year. Did the new amounts take effect yet, or with the new plan year?

The changes of open enrollment for us take affect the second week of January. I haven't changed plans.

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Obamacare, the unfunded mandate is going to hurt employers and we can expect prices to rise.

Healthcare system is so messed up the only way to really solve the problem is to throw away what we have and start over. Much like our tax system.

Competition needs to be introduced into the market in order to drive down prices and increase practiced care. Individuals need to assume responsibility for the care and doctors need to be freed to actually practice medicine and not test taking. There is too much collusion between Insurance, medical groups and the government over what we can and cannot have.

Personally, I like the medical plan I have now. We have to pay out of pocket until we hit a deductible level of $2,200 per year for treatment and $1,800 for prescriptions. We actually decide if medical treatment is necessary and if yes, in many cases, if we tell the doctor we are paying cash with no insurance, they charge us less.

Health care has never been cheap and for the government to think they can just waver their wand and make the problem go away is stupidity.

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my fiance just called me raving mad her insurance cost is more than doubling from $90/month to $200. I still have yet to meet a person whose cost is lowered. You know except those that don't have to pay any money at all since they've been dropped

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yes i know we went over this and like I already said its likely because the plan offered is likely equal to that of a bronze package which IMO as the point person on our health care, they are less than optimal


I'd also be interested to hear if they have a deductible less than $2500 because that seems unlikely as well with the way plans are being rated by the government

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$1400/month aultcare for a family including two kids. $1000 deductible. Now as an employee I pay around $120/month. The employer covers the rest. Which all employers can choose how much they cover. Those employers who paid more in salary and less of their employees healthcare are fucked. As ACA will be a cheaper option. The smokers are fucked as well.

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