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to the piece of shit at deer camp


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This rant is for the piece of shit who stole the generator from my camp yesterday while i was out hunting. I wish i would of come back right when you were walking back with it so i could have shot you. Thanks for cutting my week at deer camp short. Thanks for the fridged night of sleep in 19° weather without power for my heater and blanket.

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This rant is for the piece of shit who stole the generator from my camp yesterday while i was out hunting. I wish i would of come back right when you were walking back with it so i could have shot you. Thanks for cutting my week at deer camp short. Thanks for the fridged night of sleep in 19° weather without power for my heater and blanket.

Coulda crashed at my house.

tree, chain and lock. May only slow them down but better than nothing. Sorry bud, I hate thieves.

It was.

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Dude that is so shady, we had something similar to us at the races once, had a 5500W genny, granted its louder than the champion I run BUT we had a compound, setup, had been there since Weds night and ALWAYS park our trucks around the genny for that reason. Well we come back Saturday from the race and see some random campers all butted up to our campsite, the genny had been off since we were gone. Luckily we always chain them up, but anyways, we started it to run the AC, they were in tents, we had 4 campers, 8 trucks, and they came over in the middle of then ight and cut the wires. Not kidding.

We woke up and luckily we didn't notice it until we tried to start it to turn the AC on in the AM. By that point they were gone. It was unreal, but thieves suck worse.

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Big chain? Trail camera?

I am investing in new GPS trackers for my caps after my current vendor announced they were going out of business. Under my new vendor I can track for $12.50/vehicle/month. I'm considering buying a "floating" tracker that I can temporarily put on other things. eg - If I was to put a for-sale trailer or lawn tractor close to the road... Or when I run my generator during power outages. When I'm not using it for any specific reason I could put it in my rolling tool chest.

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It was a cable lock the ones you use on a bike not easy to cut through. Thats why they cut the small tree was easier then cutting the chain.

Note to self - lock the generator to something big!

I don't lock the generator outside my house. May have to change that. I may just wind up making a concrete pad for my generator, only I'll make sure it's made up of 200lbs of concrete and I'll cast chain anchor points right into it. Wanna take the generator? Bring a backhoe.

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