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Visit India while ur still young


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Just came across this video while surfing youtube, and thought might as well post it here. Hopefully at least one person gets influenced. My only suggestion to fellow OR, visit india at least once while you guys are young and having a strong stomach :D . The experience is so vivid and different that this will feel like visit 30+ countries in a week. Every 300+ miles takes you to different states with different terrain, culture food etc. Need to be fairly healthy and active to enjoy it all. Snow capped mountain, dessert, rain forest, backwater lagoons, and even bustling city life. Best part is all this you can do with the least amount of money. Other than airfare every thing else is cheap if you research well before hand. Get this, with 2$ you can eat at good places 3 times a day. Rent a royal enfeild and ride around even. Every part of india someone knows english, so no worries. thats all i have to say.

The video is based on the experience of woman traveling in india


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I've seen a lot of the globe...

Sorry. No thanks.

I've traveled through with USAF and was not impressed. Mumbai(Bombay) and New Delhi on seperate trips. Didn't like the filth and staggering amount of poverty. I've never cared for Indian food tried on many occasions.

That being said, I'm sure there is something to enjoy...just not this guy.

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I've seen a lot of the globe...

Sorry. No thanks.

I've traveled through with USAF and was not impressed. Mumbai(Bombay) and New Delhi on seperate trips. Didn't like the filth and staggering amount of poverty. I've never cared for Indian food tried on many occasions.

That being said, I'm sure there is something to enjoy...just not this guy.

unfortunately what you said is true :(, but thats the problem about visiting the populated areas, the two you mentioned is like the most populated, congested cities in india which is not a place to have vacation. soooo many other places to be at. But honestly agree 100% with you, not suited for every one i guess.

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The video is based on the experience of woman traveling in india

...and obviously with a full roster of videographers and support staff. Not exactly as if she was traveling alone as a female in this very heavily male-dominated society.

Lots of places I'd love to see....as soon as I've seen most of what the USA has to offer. Figger I've got several decades of travel here before I run out of the good stuff!

[And, no, I'm not so provincial that I bleed red/white/blue. Born and raised Canadian and spent a year in Europe in the late 60s.]

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We have friends who are Indian and we've talked about taking a trip there with them. They each come from wealthy Indian families and told us the wealthy parts of India are very nice, especially if you get out away from the cities. Most tourists aren't going to head to the countryside so they don't get to see the nicer areas.

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i recently celebrated Diwali with my co-loafers - the food's spicy, but not inedible-spicy, if you know what I mean...

since we're an Oracle shop we have a lot of Indians; and with the exception of one now-departed woman they've all been incredibly nice and willing to absorb the 'Murican culture...and I've learned a lot about their culture(s) also.

all in all, great people.

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My trip to Coimbatore (India) was very interesting. I was however, very glad to return home. If you go there hire a driver to get you around. The traffic is a little different than what you are accustomed to if you learned to drive in the USA. I would ride a motorcycle there only if I had a death wish. The extreme contrast between the few wealthy & the many poor there really was an eye opener.

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since we're an Oracle shop we have a lot of Indians; and with the exception of one now-departed woman they've all been incredibly nice and willing to absorb the 'Murican culture...and I've learned a lot about their culture(s) also.

lol...yeah, we use Oracle too and have a large Indian contingent around the building. I got an email from a guy the other day whose name was something like zdkjskjdfhkjsdf sjdfhisuhdfisuhd and he signed his email as "Bob" :lol:

Overall, all the ones I've interacted with in the office have been great and seem to work pretty hard.

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I would love to go someday, have several indian friends who go back from time to time and I would definitely want to tag along so I'd have some sort of guidance. Wouldn't keep me from exploring a little on my own though. $2 for good indian food? I'm going to need a list of some recommendations, Doc!

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lol...yeah, we use Oracle too and have a large Indian contingent around the building. I got an email from a guy the other day whose name was something like zdkjskjdfhkjsdf sjdfhisuhdfisuhd and he signed his email as "Bob" :lol:

Overall, all the ones I've interacted with in the office have been great and seem to work pretty hard.

Whats the deal with Indians and Oracle? I interviewed for a few Oracle positions at Sherwin Williams and all the people I interviewed with were Indian lol

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Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to visit India. I would prefer to travel into the countryside and see how everyday life is for the people who live there. I would eat where the locals eat and try to enjoy the foods people cook in their homes. And with a twinkle in her eye, the right Indian woman could easily steal my heart.


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I had a friend who spent 6 months in Dubai (i believe) and loved it, then she traveled to other places then went to Mumbai for like 3 months, and hated it. She said she had a lot of bad experiences and it just wasn't as nice... I'm sure its like 'murica... nice places and crappy places. With that being said, I would love to travel India, but its not in my top 5 right now, so that means I probably won't do it in the next 5 years.

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I'm torn. On one hand, after being to the places I've been in Europe, China, and Australia, my worldview has been altered and re-shaped dramatically, and from the Indians that I know personally and professionally, I feel like India would have a lot to offer in a life experience point-of-view.

On the other hand, I see and hear about all these crazy living condition, the state of the Ganges, stuff like that and think why would I ever voluntarily put myself in that kind of environment?

Jury's still out on that one. I will echo what's been said on here though, if you're going to take a vacation, do some research, plan ahead, and get the fuck out of the "tourist zones" and live a little. You have no idea how much better your trip will be once you really start to get in with the locals.

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