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Cleveland Police Shooting

Al Z. Heimer

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I wasn't there. Can't say what happened. But I bet 13 cops will say that happened.

If deadly force is being used against one officer, everyone who opened fire was justified.

The chase itself is a separate issue. But that chase was not the cause of death. That's misconduct (or appears o be, based on the facts and the procedures ignored), and the officers will be punished for that without need for a criminal trial.

The civil suit for wrongful death is anybody's guess. I expect a settlement.

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What's preventing police from getting on the radio before every routine stop and saying 'He's got a gun?'

That way they can defend any actions despite how wrong they are. They can lie and their partner will swear to it in court. It's a perfect plan :mad:

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What's preventing police from getting on the radio before every routine stop and saying 'He's got a gun?'

That way they can defend any actions despite how wrong they are. They can lie and their partner will swear to it in court. It's a perfect plan :mad:

Police are there to enforce laws not protect and serve. When's the last time you had one stand guard for you or bring you a glass of iced tea?

How do you know the officer didn't really think there was a gun?

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