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well i have been struggling to come to a decision here in the last few months.

I have had some big changes in my life within the last 6 months that would put an impact on me and the business.

My regular job has given me more opportunity, and an substantial increase in pay, but also requires more of my time.

with that perspective, i also devoted alot of my time to my business, which i loved doing. Doing that though has impacted my life a lot in the matter of time with my wife, and time to do anything other than work. I have spoke with my wife, a few people on the board in person about this, and a few close family and friends trying to come to a decision.

i loved running the business, i got to meet alot of people, i got to help a lot of people, and i did great work at an affordable price for others. I have nothing but good comments and kudos from the work i do from all of you and the other folks i have done work for. I am very thankful for the business i have gotten from OR, without you guys and your reccommendations my business wouldnt have took off like it did. I really didnt expect things to really pick up like it did, and to be so busy so fast. My business did really well this past year, which made it even harder to make a decision.

although the business did very well, it wasnt even close enough to make a living, im sure it could be, but trying to work my regular job and run my business put alot of stress on myself and my wife.

so i came to the realization, i need to lose one, and i chose losing the business. it makes me a little sick knowing im throwing away all that i put into it, but realize that in the end the less stress and more time with my wife will be alot better for us.

so this is the last month that my business will be with me.

I just wanted to thank all of the supporters from the site, and all the recommendations that you gave. All the good words typed and spoken.

Even though the business will be gone, i will still be doing some tire changes here and there, and other little things.

As a business if i get busy with my other job it will affect me. As a person it will not, i can hold off on the side jobs, and not feel like i HAVE to satisfy everyone.

so yes ill still be doing tires changes and other small work, but not on the level i was before.

i know i didnt need to write up a long post about all of this and why i came to this decision, but i wanted to do it. to me, all the members on here who supported me should know.

thats all folks. and thanks again!

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I have not meet you, but good to see that the main job is going well. At least you know if you needed to, you could do the motorcycle business again. And, you will never have to think "what if" since you have started your own business.

I can guess how tough it was to decide, but really the only reason we work is to provide for our family. Part of the "providing" is not only money, but also time to be there for each other / kids.

I am planning on starting a small business in January. But I know that this business will not provide the income or stability my day job will provide. But, I want to try it so I can rule out the "only if I have tried" concerns later in life.

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Ryan, we had the oppurtunity to talk about this in some decent length not to long ago and i have to say i agree with you just as before. good luck with everything.. and as long as i can bug you every now and again to get shit done that im to lazy to do myself then im golden :)

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As stated above, family first. And at least now if the right circumstances come along in the future you know a whole lot more about running your own show than you probably did before. Congrats on the advances at work, and I'll still happily recommend "this guy Ryan Hoblick" as much as I would shopdog. Good luck to you and if you're still doing tire changes I'll probably need another one next season :D

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Mr. Hoblick.

I feel your pain. Trying to get a business off the ground and work full time ran me into ground. I do not think I could have done both for so long and have a wife and family to be concerned with. The mental stress trying to balance all of it can drive one nuts. I decided the only way I was going to get Dyno Tune off the ground and ditch the other job was to putting my social life on hold. From 2004 to 2008 I did not date or chase any type of ass. I could only handle two of the three things I needed/wanted. I was not married so it was an easy choice to devote my life to the business when I was not working my full time job.

The best part about this is Ryan you can always look at this again down the road. Just because it is not happening right now does not mean it can not happen down the road.

Hit me up for some beer and wings at Bdubs. :)

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Typically it takes a business 3 yrs to get off the ground and start making a profit. Balancing your time between that new business and keeping a regular job while having a family has to be a real tough undertaking. Deciding and prioritizing has to be tough too, but you know whats best for you and your family.

Best 'o luck in your future endeavors!

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The best part about this is Ryan you can always look at this again down the road. Just because it is not happening right now does not mean it can not happen down the road.

Hit me up for some beer and wings at Bdubs. :)

I came here to say this. Keep the business name registered and everything on the up and up. This way if a few years down the road you want (or need) to start it back up you're already set to go. Good luck with whichever way life points you man.
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In a short ammount of time, shop dog cycles has provided top notch service to me and some friends. I am sorry to see this go but I know it's for a good reason. Congrats on the new job opertunities and I'm sure the wife is more then happy to have your free time. Your services will be extremely missed man, not many places can offer what you offer at the amazing price point and the advantage of asking questions while work is being done. That kind of hands on learning about our motorcycles is priceless in my eyes.

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Well I think this thread speaks for itself. Ryan is a top notch guy and its sad that not all shops cannot be as honest and knowledgable as him. I've been away from OR for a while and was actually looking for someone to refresh my bike for me once I get back from some military shit and came across this thread. I'll still have to give you a call when I put on some new treads. You've made the right decision for you and your family. I hope to meet you once again. You've def made a positive name for yourself! Congrats on the new gig and more importantly, more time with your other half.

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