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Great Deal on a Quality Suit


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Just wanted to throw this out there for any of the bigger guys (you know, the kind Madcat likes) out there that need a new race suit. Looks like a good deal, and from what I've heard, these are pretty good quality. I think Dr. Bobinger wears one of these (or used to at least) if I'm not mistaken? Maybe Brandon too?


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I was expecting to find a link to the men's warehouse


Yup, that's what I wear. Dang good price. I payed $700 something for mine, too bad they don't have any left in my size.

Good suit, decent airflow. Only problem I ever had with mine was the stitching started coming apart at the bottom of the zipper seam, right in the crotchal region. That was a cheap repair though, and no problems since.

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strangely enough, STG also has a 42/52 Astars race replica suit in blue. what's with that?

it's like the suit is following me around, taunting me.

I saw that, if I was a baller like you, I would buy it for sure. (except maybe not because it's blue, but whatever)

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It was amazingly convenient for easy access between rounds.

Not so convenient however, if I ever took a spill like jbot and Superman'd down the track on my stomach.

Don't even consider getting that thing fixed before the season or Im going to have one hella time servicing you between races.

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That is the first generation and a lot has changed on the second version. I got one for my son (2nd) and it is a MUCH better suit than the one being advertised. But, for $300 retail, you are getting something better than most. The seam construction is weak on these and not a great suit in terms of fit. Somewhat boxy and loose.

Again, for the $300 price point, it is an awesome suit.

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