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Anti American "musician" performing the Whitehouse christmas concert? WTF!


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So you like "gangnam style"? You should read this article,


The dude is anti American! Don't support that crap its not even music. Oh and here's the best part he is performing in Washington on 12-21-2012 for the president. It really is the end of the world WTF is wrong with our country to allow this?

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He apologized' date=' did he not? :dunno:

I've been told his music is hardly cause for celebration, but First Amendment is as First Amendment does.

Before the hoards come down on my like the Ban-Hammer of Jehova, I've never listened to his music, or read the lyrics. I don't care. He's a musician. Let's try to not take him so seriously.[/quote']

"Kill those -- Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives Kill those -- Yankees who ordered them to torture Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers Kill them all slowly and painfully"

If your ok with someone who sang that ^^^ performing in our capital I guess you'd be fine with a guest appearance by al queda and the Muslim brotherhood. Freedom of speech is fine the motherfucker can say what he wants but we don't need to support him. He's doing a concert for the president. That's like having the kkk give a national speech at the White House for Martin Luther King day.

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I don't care what country you're from, what your religion is, or what your skin color is... if you're torturing non-hostile men, women, and children -- then you should probably be killed. Or at least have lyrics about it that mean jack squat in the grand scheme of things. For a song he didn't write, in a collaboration that he was a part of... plus, he apologized and taken an evolved opinion.

Besides... do you know the full background on why that collaboration was even performed? Or are you just RAGEFACE on it because you liked the headline?

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I don't care what country you're from, what your religion is, or what your skin color is... if you're torturing non-hostile men, women, and children -- then you should probably be killed. Or at least have lyrics about it that mean jack squat in the grand scheme of things. For a song he didn't write, in a collaboration that he was a part of... plus, he apologized and taken an evolved opinion.

Besides... do you know the full background on why that collaboration was even performed? Or are you just RAGEFACE on it because you liked the headline?

So how many soldiers tortured non-hostile women and children? He performed the lyrics did he not how was he not a part of the collaboration? Just because he didn't write it down doesn't mean he is innocent. Do enlighten me more how you support anti American protest in countries we've been protecting for years? That's fine that they want want to say what they say but our government should not support them saying our troops and all their families should be killed slowly. Our troops didn't decide hey we should be over here fucking shit up our government did. Now they are going to say its ok that he said it since he apologized after making a lot of money off of us. I don't care if he's against our military that's been saving his countries ass but its not right to give him more money to perform for the leaders that have our troops in other countries.

I never said I support him. I did say that I've never listened to his "music". Also' date=' is he a known terrorist that is on our hit list? If so, then I would suspect he wouldn't be invited to the White House. I think you're reaching with your Al Queda parallel. Besides, maybe the President likes his music? I mean, the man is the leader of the "free" world. I think he can pick his own playlist. Don't you?[/quote']

Same as above. I guess I'm just the crazy American that doesn't find it appropriate for a person who's made hostile statements against our military to get paid by the head of that military. Kind of a conflict of interest.

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Who cares.

He is a star who changed his mind. Especially if it means a bigger market.

Sounds pretty normal to me.

But what I like is how the new article states that south Korean sentiment turned against America due to an SK hostage begin killed by Iraqi insurgents.

How is the kind of protest song above comes out against the people fighting those insurgents. Looks like stupid mobs are a world wide thing. :rolleyes:

Now the real question is why couldn't they find a musician to play the even?



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I guess I'm just the crazy American that doesn't find it appropriate for a person who's made hostile statements against our military to get paid by the head of that military. Kind of a conflict of interest.

:lol: Once again, you take headlines without understanding the context. You don't even know WHY they were protesting and the entire background of the South Korean culture.

You are acting like the stereotypical short-sighted American who only sees some foreigner, some non-American, directing hate towards Americans and gets upset about it. Never mind understanding the entire context of history, US-Korean relations, and the current events going on during that time.

Psy said something some years ago, has retracted it (with actually one of the better apologies I've ever seen issued). He publicly admitted he was wrong to be a part of that demonstration, but that's not good enough for you? I hope everything you've ever said and done is always held against you too. I expect nothing but perfection and political correctness out of you.

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U have to take it for what it's worth and know the history. I can almost gauruntee that on and for a while after 9-11 more than one person on this board said something very similar to that about Muslims and at the time it was accepted. I'm sure most if not all of us don't feel the same way now.

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:lol: Once again, you take headlines without understanding the context. You don't even know WHY they were protesting and the entire background of the South Korean culture.

You are acting like the stereotypical short-sighted American who only sees some foreigner, some non-American, directing hate towards Americans and gets upset about it. Never mind understanding the entire context of history, US-Korean relations, and the current events going on during that time.

Psy said something some years ago, has retracted it (with actually one of the better apologies I've ever seen issued). He publicly admitted he was wrong to be a part of that demonstration, but that's not good enough for you? I hope everything you've ever said and done is always held against you too. I expect nothing but perfection and political correctness out of you.

If I'm so wrong in my views then enlighten me please. All you've said is your wrong you don't know. That doesn't get your point across. Just because he says he's sorry doesn't carry any weight with me. If I went on a stage and made a bunch of racist comments no matter how much I apologize afterwards I'd still be seen as a racist.

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U have to take it for what it's worth and know the history. I can almost gauruntee that on and for a while after 9-11 more than one person on this board said something very similar to that about Muslims and at the time it was accepted. I'm sure most if not all of us don't feel the same way now.

And I doubt any of those people will be allowed to entertain any Muslim leaders.

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If I'm so wrong in my views then enlighten me please. All you've said is your wrong you don't know. That doesn't get your point across. Just because he says he's sorry doesn't carry any weight with me. If I went on a stage and made a bunch of racist comments no matter how much I apologize afterwards I'd still be seen as a racist.

First off... Americans aren't a race, they are a group of many different races that call one country their home. He also used the word Yankee which has a whole different historical symbolism to it, but I digress...

Second, you can believe what you want. If this is an outrage to you, it's been noted. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying your reasons are silly and you're holding some silly entertainer to some higher moral standard than you hold yourself. It's also silly that Psy performing at the Whitehouse fills you with more rage than Mitch McConnell filibustering his own bill. Why? Because Psy is some one hit wonder (in the US anyway) enjoying his 15mins of fame... Compared to a congressmen who is playing political games over your taxes and the actual RUNNING of this country. #Perspective

And I doubt any of those people will be allowed to entertain any Muslim leaders.

Like you said, it's entertainment... And some entertainers opinions...past, present, or future... Isn't going to affect this country in the least, save for riling up people like you over something trivial. It's just another feather in the cap to add to the reasons to hate Obama, because he allows such filth to get popular and entertain Americans.

Do you research the political stances of all the musicians you listen to before you listen to them?

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First off... Americans aren't a race, they are a group of many different races that call one country their home. He also used the word Yankee which has a whole different historical symbolism to it, but I digress...

Second, you can believe what you want. If this is an outrage to you, it's been noted. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying your reasons are silly and you're holding some silly entertainer to some higher moral standard than you hold yourself. It's also silly that Psy performing at the Whitehouse fills you with more rage than Mitch McConnell filibustering his own bill. Why? Because Psy is some one hit wonder (in the US anyway) enjoying his 15mins of fame... Compared to a congressmen who is playing political games over your taxes and the actual RUNNING of this country. #Perspective

Like you said, it's entertainment... And some entertainers opinions...past, present, or future... Isn't going to affect this country in the least, save for riling up people like you over something trivial. It's just another feather in the cap to add to the reasons to hate Obama, because he allows such filth to get popular and entertain Americans.

Do you research the political stances of all the musicians you listen to before you listen to them?

I never said American was a race I was pointing out that once you say somethings you can't take it back. It's like the story of john the sheep fucker. He was an architect that designed several buildings and bridges. He not known for the multiple bridges he designed as a bridge builder / designer. He's not known for the buildings he designed as a building designer. You can design several architectural masterpieces but you fuck one sheep and you'll be known forever as John the sheep fucker.

I hate 90% of what politicians do but I don't feel like venting it on here because people like you will reply with the same old your wrong but I'm not going to back my.stance up argument. Just pull a sentence out of what you said and try to twist it.

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So are you mad because that song applies to you?

I haven't tortured any Iraqi captives, so clearly that song isn't referring to me...

I'm pretty sure the lyrics were accusing all US soldiers of torturing iraqis and they all should be killed. Hell maybe some of you guys should join the westboro Baptists because that seems to be who I'm talking to. You can keep your mindset of the world is full of nothing but puppies that fart rainbows and we should except and forgive everybody. Me in the other hand I will look at the reality that the world around us is a very violent place and certain actions can't be forgiven.

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I'm pretty sure the lyrics were accusing all US soldiers of torturing iraqis and they all should be killed.

So now you're a mind reader...nice

Hell maybe some of you guys should join the westboro Baptists because that seems to be who I'm talking to.
Nice derivative of godwin's law... instead of hitler, insert hate group of choice.
You can keep your mindset of the world is full of nothing but puppies that fart rainbows and we should except and forgive everybody.
Accept... and yes, clearly words you sing in a song with a Korean boy band are words you can never take back.
Me in the other hand I will look at the reality that the world around us is a very violent place and certain actions can't be forgiven.
I know I can never forgive someone for singing words.
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It's time to pull your blinders off. First off soldiers have tortured and killed innocent civilians, not just in Iraq or Afghanistan but in most likely every long term conflict that has occurred all the way back to the Revolutionary War. It is an unfortunate side effect of a high stress environment. Secondly who gives a fuck what some flash in the pan says. We routinely do business in the billions of dollars with our enemies, who routinely say we are the devil and should pay for our actions. Look at Russia, they opposed our actions in Iraq but are on the same side with us in regards to Syria.

Edited by cmh_sprint
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It's time to pull your blinders off. First off soldiers have tortured and killed innocent civilians, not just in Iraq or Afghanistan but in most likely every long term conflict that has occurred all the way back to the Revolutionary War. It is an unfortunate side effect of a high stress environment. Secondly who gives a fuck what some flash in the pan says. We routinely do business in the billions of dollars with our enemies, who routinely say we are the devil and should pay for our actions. Look at Russia, they opposed our actions in Iraq but are on the same side with us in regards to Syria. Also, if this has you so fired up, I recommend you destroy all of your music, your TV and never another movie. It most likely someone involved in those has spoken out against the government and actions taken by our military against foreign powers.

It's not him speaking out against our government that has me upset. It's that he spoke out against our military because they are in Iraq doing what our government (politicians) told them to do. He's saying they should all be killed along with all of their families. Now our government the ones that sent them to Iraq are paying him to entertain them. That's bullshit it would be like naming a military base after Jane Fonda. I know there are several people that have spoke out against our government so what. I don't care its the fact he's spoke out against our troops for doing what our government sent them to do but now he's getting money from us so he says he is sorry. Now the commander in chief is paying the guy who said, the people doing what the commander in chief sent them to do should die. That's screwed up. All those people you mentioned that have spoke out against our government are not performing for the president and did not say our troops should die. You can be against the war and still support the military. Once again its not that he said it that this thread is about. He said what he said and I choose to say fuck him and not support him. If you want to support him fine that's your right just like he has the right to say it. I think its wrong the government is supporting him when they are the reason the troops are in Iraq. They are the ones making the decisions the troops live and die for. The troops are the ones who the blame falls on and the people who are really to blame sit back and let the troops take the shit.

A few months back our embassies were attacked supposedly because of a YouTube video. Americans were killed. We accepted that and didn't do shit about it people don't care "its not me fuck it". So its okay that a terrorist attack is carried out against us because some American made a video that pissed off some Muslims. but its not okay to be mad our government is supporting a guy that has spoken out and said our troops should die?

Why should we forgive this guy when plenty of our own celebrities have said things and apologized for but we as a nation haven't forgiven them. I feel the following two were not as offensive and wrong as what the Korean said but it ruined what was left of both their careers.

Gilbert Godfrey,


Michael Richards,


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Why should we forgive this guy when plenty of our own celebrities have said things and apologized for but we as a nation haven't forgiven them. I feel the following two were not as offensive and wrong as what the Korean said but it ruined what was left of both their careers.

Gilbert Godfrey,


Michael Richards,


so don't support him...don't accept his apology...

gilbert godfrey and michael richards don't have careers anymore because they aren't funny...

what has godfrey done since problem child? nothing but aflac commercials.

Richards rode seinfeld's coat tails, and has done nothing of value on his own...

so what?

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I know I can never forgive someone for singing words.

These guys said some words their employers didn't like. Look what happened to them.



This happened on our nations door step. But keep being soft pretty soon the world will walk all over us.

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so don't support him...don't accept his apology...

gilbert godfrey and michael richards don't have careers anymore because they aren't funny...

what has godfrey done since problem child? nothing but aflac commercials.

Richards rode seinfeld's coat tails, and has done nothing of value on his own...

so what?

I don't support him and I don't think our president should.

Until those incidents those guys were making money and are not because of what they said. If you think this Korean guy has talent maybe you should easy off of the ecstasy.

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