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Starcraft!! :lol:

Been awhile since I've had a nice rig. Plan on getting one eventually.

This is why I no longer pc game and switched to consoles. Every game that comes out you need a new rig, or at least a new video card.

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Me. Playing Battlefield 3 mostly right now. Built a new rig about 6 months ago.

I still can't bring myself to use Origin. After hearing all the horror stories, I'm not paying EA money just to put myself in a position of possibly getting screwed over.

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My last pc build was 4 yrs ago and I can handle anything new without problems. At the moment I am playing black ops 2, far cry 3, Day Z mod, max payne 3, and every once in a while will play Fall out new vegas. Right now most of time is spent on BO2. add me to steam.. xxxamishxxx

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I still can't bring myself to use Origin. After hearing all the horror stories, I'm not paying EA money just to put myself in a position of possibly getting screwed over.

Yeah Origin is terrible. Luckily I haven't had anything bad happen yet but time will tell. I have Bf3 for 360 but I went ahead and bought it for PC because they had it on sale - I got Bf3 and all 5 of the expansions for $40.

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Yeah Origin is terrible. Luckily I haven't had anything bad happen yet but time will tell. I have Bf3 for 360 but I went ahead and bought it for PC because they had it on sale - I got Bf3 and all 5 of the expansions for $40.

Fuck, they already have FIVE expansion packs for BF3?

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add me on steam for those that have/use it

email - ilovemybycicle@gmail.com or steam ID - [KWA]PRND321

i usually play a wide variety of games, more so killing floor and the counter strikes, but i play a lot of games. built my rig almost 3 years ago and its still holding strong

AMD athlon II X4

gigabyte ud4p mobo

g.skill RAM 8gigs

ATI 5770 X2 in crossfire

1TB segate drives X2 in raid 0

thats all the important stuff that matters.

EDIT:: im a huge nerd when it comes to electronics, im more a nerd then i am a rider, i LOVE electronics..

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I built a new rig for BF3 before it came out. Never really played it that much after the campaign. Usually only game in winter or shit weather. But haven't been in the mood this winter. Working too much. I miss BF2 and before that all the C&C games.


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Fuck, they already have FIVE expansion packs for BF3?

Yeah they came out crazy fast. Origin sucks but it's worth playing just to switch it up a bit from CoD. Totally different playstyle.

I built a new rig for BF3 before it came out. Never really played it that much after the campaign. Usually only game in winter or shit weather. But haven't been in the mood this winter. Working too much. I miss BF2 and before that all the C&C games.


Yeah I was a huge fan of BF2. Actually like it better than BF3 but no one plays it anymore and its ugly.

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warcraft frozen throne


Never played that but I loved the first 2.

Where's the love for Starcraft at?!

My consoles are for my FPS's as I'm better with a controller than a mouse. I love RTS's on the comp, especially old school.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Never played that but I loved the first 2.

Where's the love for Starcraft at?!

My consoles are for my FPS's as I'm better with a controller than a mouse. I love RTS's on the comp, especially old school.

I get my ass hammed on that starcraft

gave up on it.

Diablo1.2.3. all


warcraft 1.2.3 fuck world of warcraft

Edited by wht_scorpion
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