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Lights for home defense


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I disagree with 90% of what Magz says.

I however agree with him here, to a point. Do I find it offensive, no. Do I think it's wrong and and immature and somewhat moronic, yes.

It is a distress signal, NOT a political statement. Show a little respect for our service members that fight for that flag and know when to fly it upside down.

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I picked up a flashlight at a police auction. It's small and handheld but will reach the clouds and kill small mammals. When you narrow the beam all the way down the light is in the shape of a boxed silhouette. It says CREE on it. $15.

I have something similar I got from Woot that I keep next to the gun for same reason. Its come in handy many times!

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I disagree with 90% of what Magz says.

I however agree with him here, to a point. Do I find it offensive, no. Do I think it's wrong and and immature and somewhat moronic, yes.

It is a distress signal, NOT a political statement. Show a little respect for our service members that fight for that flag and know when to fly it upside down.

Half mast would be very appropriate, could always change to that.

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I disagree with 90% of what Magz says.

I however agree with him here, to a point. Do I find it offensive, no. Do I think it's wrong and and immature and somewhat moronic, yes.

It is a distress signal, NOT a political statement. Show a little respect for our service members that fight for that flag and know when to fly it upside down.

Again. My opinion IS that we are in distress. We don't have to agree. I will still buy guns from you:)

And in no way do I intend disrespect to our military or the service they provide. I'm sure the same applies to the many service members who themselves are flying it upside down.

Now... Back on topic. Shotgun vs revolver for home defense. Shotgun better, even in this scenario?

PS, do u still have that S&W 9 at the shop?

Nobama 2012

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Now... Back on topic. Shotgun vs revolver for home defense. Shotgun better, even in this scenario?

PS, do u still have that S&W 9 at the shop?

Nobama 2012

Shotgun always better for home

Shotgun far better than revolver for shaky and slower elderly

Do not know on the SW you would have to call and ask. I have not been there for a couple days but my guess is no at that price and the way stuff has been selling. I will be by there tomorrow though

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I don't own a shotgun, but if I did own one for home defense it would be for the safety of nothing leaving my house and hitting a civilian outside of my home if I did have to fire upon an intruder. A handgun round will make it through your walls and keep going if you miss your intruder.

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^^ This. Buddy at work who have been in combat says you shoot for the muzzle flash or just below it in low light. Gun mounted light the same. I was told to hold it away from your body off to the side a bit.

Edit or get a shotgun and forget the light.

How are you going to identify the target in low/no light if you forget the light?

Also, did your buddy say what he did with HIS weapon mounted light in combat? Is this the same buddy that had the questionable claims of being high speed?

While holding it away can be a valid tactic, doesn't work for rifles or shotguns very well and you give up the ability to have a 2 handed grip on a pistol.

The common tactics for using tactical lights are : illuminate, identify, shoot, move, unilluminate


illuminate, identify, unilluminate, move, shoot.

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Leave the hall light on?

Never been a fan of weapon mounted lights in a home defense scenario. Better off putting a bright flash light on the dresser and waiting for the perp to enter the bedroom. He immediately tur.s his attention to the light on the dresser and you can be on the other side of the room drawing a bead on him. That was the suggestion from my ccw instructor.

Why even use the gun in that scenario? Why not just have a tripwire that triggers a bucket above the door that dumps big rocks on the guy? Afterall, that's about as gimmicky.

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Why even use the gun in that scenario? Why not just have a tripwire that triggers a bucket above the door that dumps big rocks on the guy? Afterall, that's about as gimmicky.

hell yeah, some "home alone" action going on there...

if you really want to deter perps from breaking into your house you should set up that mannequin house party thing from home alone...

Edited by magley64
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Most tactical trainer types teach the following tactics (caveat, there is likely newer stuff that I'm not as up on):

1. illuminate, identify, shoot, move, unilluminate


2. illuminate, identify, unilluminate, move, shoot.

There are pros/cons to a weapon mounted light. Personally, it was only recently I started using them on pistols vs a handheld light. Handheld lights are pretty useless/hard to use with long guns (without duct tape).


Always there ready to go

You don't need to change your grip on the gun to use them.


When identifying your target, you are always pointing the weapon at them. This means you could cover someone with your muzzle that you don't really want to.

New holsters

Modifying your shooting grip

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