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Let the knee jerking begin...


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I did a search on here and I didn't see that anyone picked this up yet.

Dick's Sporting Goods has pulled all semi automatic guns from ALL of it's stores nation wide.

Google it and you'll find lot of articles.

Good thing I bought my last one from there on Saturday. :D

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This won't last, but I feel that it is very stupid to begin with. Why not take cigarettes, alcohol, and stop selling cars for awhile and see how the public reacts. :rolleyes:

there are lots of lucrative businesses that don't sell cars, tobacco, or alcohol...

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Just about every website I looked at last night was "sold out" of black guns. IMO some of this is due to showing respect for the victims and some of it is due to the companies wanting to see what happens in the NRA presser on Friday.

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You totally missed my point "imagine that", these things I listed are also sources for people dying.

I get that...

but the fact that you're upset that a business chooses not to sell an item or is somehow "wrong" or "anti-american" for not selling it is a huge reach... somehow the public should be outraged that walmart doesn't sell cars.

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I get that...

but the fact that you're upset that a business chooses not to sell an item or is somehow "wrong" or "anti-american" for not selling it is a huge reach... somehow the public should be outraged that walmart doesn't sell cars.

did they ever sell cars in the first place and pull them because some mental case got behind the wheel and killed someone?


thats the principle people are "mad" at. I am not one of them because like I said I don't give a shit because I wouldn't buy from them anyhow

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If businesses really want to help and be respectful. Start up a fund and take donations to help find a way to fix the problem...mental illness.

Stopping the sales of guns does nothing but cause a chain reaction cluster fuck with lawful gun buyers, gun manufacturers, etc.

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don't you read anything? mental illness isn't real, it's just an excuse evil people use to get away with stuff..:rolleyes:

And to say that mental illness is used many times as a scapegoat, is also a valid argument. Legally insane, terminally insane, mentally disturbed, Autistic....blah blah blah. I see psychopaths and evil people doing most all of the horrible shit like this, mentally ill is too broad of a diagnosis and horseshit more times than not.

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