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Do statistics mean anything in gun control debates?

Uncle Punk

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My contention is that we should be encouraging everyone that has the means to carry a firearm to be doing so at each visit on school grounds. This would mean we need to repeal the gun-free school zone law that has place our children in harm’s way. Can you believe it, another gun nut suggesting that more guns is the solution to gun violence? Let's forget that killing an active shooter is the best way to stop them, let's ignore the fact that with the exception of one incident attempts at mass shooting in non gun free zones end at three deaths. I am not real big on numbers meaning a lot in an argument because it seldom changes my opinion. We have a few anti gun folks around here so I need them to explain to me how the numbers I have come up with don't mean much to my contention that more guns is the answer.

I came up with these numbers doing a bit of internet research so I’m not sure if sources are accurate as most things on the internet aren’t but a good faith effort went into getting the numbers for what it’s worth.

I think this knee jerk, over reacting, poorly conceived law is responsible for countless lives lost. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun-Free_School_Zones_Act_of_1990 Here are my numbers to support that statement. In the prior twenty-two years of the law being enacted there were forty reported shootings on school grounds including suicides, resulting in forty-eight deaths not including suicides. Post law passage numbers are fifty-one shooting incidents including suicides, with a death toll of one-hundred-forty-eight not including family members that were killed off campus. That’s right one-hundred more preventable deaths had we not shackled law abiding citizens with a law that keeps us from protecting our children. This horrible law emboldened more attempts and empowered the shooters with opportunity to carry out their sick cowardly deeds unopposed.

The time is now to stop the attempts at making more laws that will inevitably lead to more deaths that could have been prevented had good people the means to protect those without.

Edited by Uncle Punk
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Nope, facts be damned, its always decided by emotions.
Sad but true, people being logical is out of the question.

From what I've read, this seems to be the trend. Logic & politics will never marry, at least where it's deemed sensible to those that ARE talented in common sense

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I don't have an idea about what really happened, I don't know of an official report being released yet. I do know the weapon in the trunk was not an AR variant. This leaves two options, there was an AR in the school or there wasn't. Assuming that there was an AR platform rifle in the school, that it was legally owned by the shooters mother, purchased in the state of Connecticut, then said AR platform variant could not have possibly been an assault weapon as defined by the last national assault weapon ban that remained in effect in that state. This whole argument about assault weapons is stupid because if a rifle was in the school it was a simple rifle, it was impossible for an assault weapon to have been used.

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I haven't heard of any definitive report about what weapon was used. First reports were confusing at best, two pistols with an AR, wait the AR was left in the trunk, four pistols, no way was the long gun in the trunk an AR.

Conceding that the weapon used in the school was an AR legally owned in the state of Connecticut that has an assault weapons ban means that the weapon used could not have been an assault weapon. The gun grabbers can't have both sides of the issue. Assault weapon bans are effective and they should try to get the rest of the country to have one in place because it works to prevent deaths or it doesn’t. The current debate about gun control is coming from the last mass shooting that took place under an assault weapons ban with a legal gun purchased under the ban, by definition it wasn't an assault weapon so how is a ban for the rest of us going to help save lives when theirs was such a miserable failure?

This all ties back into my original post that we call on people with guns to stop the shooting why not have people already there with guns to stop them?

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I don't think anyone will ever know the truth. The coroner, police, FBI, etc. can write whatever they want on the reports.

The problem is you either have an armed society and consequently have a higher murder rate with firearms but a lower overall violent crime rate or you have an unarmed society like the UK where the murder rate is lower with firearms and the violent crime rate is almost 3x what is here.

Stats that I have see are that only 300 murders were committed with rifles according to FBI stats. I have heard not seen that only a fraction of those were committed with "assault rifles".

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I haven't heard of any definitive report about what weapon was used. First reports were confusing at best, two pistols with an AR, wait the AR was left in the trunk, four pistols, no way was the long gun in the trunk an AR.

Conceding that the weapon used in the school was an AR legally owned in the state of Connecticut that has an assault weapons ban means that the weapon used could not have been an assault weapon. The gun grabbers can't have both sides of the issue. Assault weapon bans are effective and they should try to get the rest of the country to have one in place because it works to prevent deaths or it doesn’t. The current debate about gun control is coming from the last mass shooting that took place under an assault weapons ban with a legal gun purchased under the ban, by definition it wasn't an assault weapon so how is a ban for the rest of us going to help save lives when theirs was such a miserable failure?

This all ties back into my original post that we call on people with guns to stop the shooting why not have people already there with guns to stop them?

Ok I had heard all that thought you had something new. I was just explaining to the dispatchers how there is no way an ASSAULT RIFLE was used.

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