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school district’s religious cleansing


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A New York public school teacher who advised a school Bible Study club has filed a civil rights lawsuit against her school district after she was forced to remove all religious content from her classroom — including a quote from former President Ronald Reagan.

Getting out of hand. Quickly.

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lol i'm staying way the hell out of this one, have fun.

Good point. Why is it that I keep to myself in my personal life, but feel the need to express every opinion on a public forum? Satan. That's why.

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What would your take on this be if the teacher was of a faith other than Christian (let's say Islam) & your kid was in her class? It's the same difference. Separation of Church & State is a good thing even if your favorite brand of religion gets its toes stepped on every now & then.

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Typical case of whiny butthurt christians vs whiny butthurt atheists. In which case you just have to defer to the precedent, which says no religion in public school.

“In this case, you have two interest groups that are diametrically opposed to each other and you have to make certain decisions,” Supt. Dennis Kane told the television station. “And if one side doesn’t sue you, the other side probably will.”
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Nothing wrong with prayer in school. In fact it builds character and provides a moral base for our children. Step into this scenario for a minute:

It's Friday night. Your son is starting his first varsity game as the sophomore quarterback. The kids are pumped! As a father, you couldn't be more proud.

"Ok boys..... This is our big night" says the coach... Also your son's favorite teacher. "Bring it in boys"..... Let's put our hands together and ask the good lord for some help".


"Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad"

"Now go get 'em!"

I call bullshit. You guys mean Christian prayer. As the only Jewish family in a small town, I could count into the thousands the times that I had to repeat "in Jesus's name we pray" in my public school. Did it scar me? Drove me out of everything god and god related. Did I bitch about it? No, it wasn't that important to me. But keep religion for fridays and Sundays.

Way more personal than I get on here. Carry on.

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Nothing wrong with prayer in school. In fact it builds character and provides a moral base for our children. Step into this scenario for a minute:

It's Friday night. Your son is starting his first varsity game as the sophomore quarterback. The kids are pumped! As a father, you couldn't be more proud.

"Ok boys..... This is our big night" says the coach... Also your son's favorite teacher. "Bring it in boys"..... Let's put our hands together and ask the good lord for some help".


"Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad"

"Now go get 'em!"

I call bullshit. You guys mean Christian prayer. As the only Jewish family in a small town, I could count into the thousands the times that I had to repeat "in Jesus's name we pray" in my public school. Did it scar me? Drove me out of everything god and god related. Did I bitch about it? No, it wasn't that important to me. But keep religion for fridays and Sundays.

Way more personal than I get on here. Carry on.

Mer I ca!!!!

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The 2a is absolute, but the 1a is not, apparently.

The state should not lead my kid towards any religion, regardless of how popular they think it is.

She is free to follow her beliefs on her own time, but not to use her classroom for same.

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I am an atheist. I think religion is the bane of humanity.

But... I think there's a difference between teaching a religion, and having religious information available. I'm cool with Jesus's quotes on the walls. As well as Buddha. They both taught good ideas. If it's all from one religion, then that is more or less the school trying to get away with it. Not cool. And I don't think anything a President says should be banned from a school. He was the leader of the country that school is in, I'd say his opinion should at least be taught for informational purposes.

Flame on.

EDIT: Posted first, read the article second... The Reagan quote shouldn't have been on the wall. But, in history class, if they're going over his Presidency, his religion would be brought up.

Edited by RSparky
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My issue is with the censoring. Good or bad, regardless of current political direction or religious trends, I don't feel the removal of statements from elected officials should be permitted. Let the statements stand, let the statements fall. But either way let them be heard and judged on their own merits or lack thereof.

I may be way of course, but this is how I see students being lead...


I appreciate the separation of church and state, most assuredly when promoted by a teacher, but this smacks of a political grab. Let the educated minds hear all of it, and learn how necessary changes have evolved (ooops, can I say "evolved"?!). If the person is deemed a bigot, hero or zero I encourage the students to discuss and decide their own opinion.

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I have far less of an issue with Reagan's Picture and quote than I do with the whole concept of a prayer group and the other religious dribble on the walls.

Agree with you! That is out of line, especially with a captured audience that is easily swayed by a teacher. I don't have an issue with that removal. Mine is with the statements of elected official.

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There was nothing political about this. A student brought this to the administration's attention and they acted accordingly. Jump over to my thread and read that article. Fox isn't telling the whole tale' date=' as usual.[/quote']


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Agree with you! That is out of line, especially with a captured audience that is easily swayed by a teacher. I don't have an issue with that removal. Mine is with the statements of elected official.

Doesn't matter who said it - religious bias is not allowed.

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