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Sandy Hook conspiracy video? thoughts?


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- The donation page dates are very interesting. Does Deja still exist? Are there caches that show the pages existing at that time rather it being just a date error?

- The fact that guy who found the 6 kids is a SAG member is not relevant if public records show he lives in that house and has done for years. Now if he doesn't live there then Hmmm...

- The guy who doesn't look 57 despite public records sayign he is... Did they say what public records? Some privately operated "public records" companies list me as anywhere from 13 to 93 and some even list me as female. I'd like to see drivers license proof of his age being 57 before I give any credence to that. Also, his name could be common enough that there are two people of the same name?

- The mother smiling in the interview may have been recalling a happy memory. The father joking before coming up to the microphone is interesting, but we all deal with stress differently. I remember laughing and joking with my brothers as we stood in tailored suits outside my mother's house. We were joking about something funny our mother had done a recently. Then we saw the hearse carrying her in her casket coming around the corner and all the joking stopped and we proceeded with the funeral. How can someone laugh and joke at a funeral? Well, how about just an hour after she died when we all stood outside the hospital in a circle sharing find memories of her, and we laughed, cried in equal amounts. In that kind of situation mood can fluctuate wildly as your brain tries to make sense of emotions that most of us have never felt.

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- The mother smiling in the interview may have been recalling a happy memory. The father joking before coming up to the microphone is interesting, but we all deal with stress differently. I remember laughing and joking with my brothers as we stood in tailored suits outside my mother's house. We were joking about something funny our mother had done a recently. Then we saw the hearse carrying her in her casket coming around the corner and all the joking stopped and we proceeded with the funeral. How can someone laugh and joke at a funeral? Well, how about just an hour after she died when we all stood outside the hospital in a circle sharing find memories of her, and we laughed, cried in equal amounts. In that kind of situation mood can fluctuate wildly as your brain tries to make sense of emotions that most of us have never felt.

This is part of what makes me discredit some of that video. After my grandma died, they found a petrified dead frog in her desk with a note that said "now who inherits this?" - it was a mothers day gift from her children 50 years earlier (yes a dead frog). We were all sad and missing her, but we still laughed.

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Shitty reporting doesn't make a conspiracy. I hate Obama and the libtard gun grabbers with a passion, but the amount of people needed to engineer something like this and their ability to shut up and work in concert makes me realize it could never happen. This administration isn't talented enough for that kind of machination.

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This is part of what makes me discredit some of that video. After my grandma died, they found a petrified dead frog in her desk with a note that said "now who inherits this?" - it was a mothers day gift from her children 50 years earlier (yes a dead frog). We were all sad and missing her, but we still laughed.

We just buried my cousin last week. And as my sister told a funny story about him at the funeral we laughed and sobbed. Surely it would bring a tear to a human eye shortly after the death of a child......

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Shitty reporting doesn't make a conspiracy. I hate Obama and the libtard gun grabbers with a passion, but the amount of people needed to engineer something like this and their ability to shut up and work in concert makes me realize it could never happen. This administration isn't talented enough for that kind of machination.

OR is that what they want you to think?

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I finally got o watch it.

The FEMA schedule and the "dead" girl getting her picture taken with Obama are things I'd like to hear an explanation for though.

The White House will respond to any petition that receives 25,000 signatures. I don't see the harm in asking them about the most glaring inconsistencies and coincidences.

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If it's the same one I watched the other day, I saw it like this -

About 90% explained away by piss poor, gotta be the first to report it, don't bother checking the facts reporting.

7% people reacting in shock do some odd stuff.

3% I'm suspicious of lying to get their air time(guy who took in the kids, woman who talked about lanzas mother as a teacher at the school.

I just don't think our gov't could pull off something this large as a hoax.

That's also the only reason I believe we actually made it to the moon as too many people would have to have been in on it, and someone would have cracked by now. But, looking back on the technology at the time, and how little progress we have made from there in our ability to get people in to space and lack of returning to the moon, it seems far fetched that we were able to pull it off.

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I just don't think our gov't could pull off something this large as a hoax. That's also the only reason I believe we actually made it to the moon as too many people would have to have been in on it, and someone would have cracked by now.

C'mon dude. You gun-nut conspiracy theorists have come unglued. There is undisputable evidence of our country's journey to the moon.

It's hard to deny facts--Moshpit girl was there! :bow: It's on the internet, so it must be true.


Hell, gimme a week or so and I'm pretty sure I can up with evidence Moshpit girl was one of the other inside shooters at Sandy Hook....

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For the sake of discussion, why does a conspiracy require "so many" actors?

That's the beauty of the whole concept. Duping the participants into thinking it's all real. This whole thing could have been orchestrated with 5 people "in the know" and the rest simply reacting to what they see, and more probably, what they are told once they believe the initial lie.

One credible source says an assault rifle was used, and suddenly everyone in the school saw an AR. The news reports it, and that's it - the world believes it. Even if it's later disproven.

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For the sake of discussion, why does a conspiracy require "so many" actors?

That's the beauty of the whole concept. Duping the participants into thinking it's all real. This whole thing could have been orchestrated with 5 people "in the know" and the rest simply reacting to what they see, and more probably, what they are told once they believe the initial lie.

One credible source says an assault rifle was used, and suddenly everyone in the school saw an AR. The news reports it, and that's it - the world believes it. Even if it's later disproven.

So many people if you want to believe it was a hoax, which I think is what the video is accusing.

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I finally got o watch it.

The FEMA schedule and the "dead" girl getting her picture taken with Obama are things I'd like to hear an explanation for though.

The White House will respond to any petition that receives 25,000 signatures. I don't see the harm in asking them about the most glaring inconsistencies and coincidences.

The "dead" girl had a younger sister who looks just like her. That's most probably the younger sister. There were three girls in that family.

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Why bother? Most of them are readily disproven via information available, or are clearly coincidences or misinterpretations of normal events.

I'd like to know when the donation websites were set up... That's the most interesting to me.

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Why hasn't anything been put put to disprove these claims?

A lot of the claims have been put to rest, and people are still talking about them as if they're mysteries (AR in the trunk that was clearly a Saiga shottie), Bushmaster not used in the building (first responders reported numerous AR mags, spent rifle casings, coroner's report of all rifle wounds).

The rest would take a concerted effort on behalf of a "Let's calm the conspiracy theories commission" that doesn't exist. Where should these reports come from? It'll all get released, just like Columbine which was also wildly speculative and full of questions that have been answered to most people's satisfaction.

I like everyone else have a lot of questions, and things appear to be strange, but I will never ascribe to conspiracy (especially by this inept bunch of jackasses running the government) what can easier be described by incompetence.

So far, the Media is mangler of facts and the ones doing the twisting.

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Home » News » Talking with your child about the Sandy Hook Tragedy

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Talking with your child about the Sandy Hook Tragedy

December 10, 2012

If you need additional resources to you talk with your child about the recent school tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School please check our website under Parents/Students. The link is posted under both the Elementary School Forms and Information section and the High School Forms and Information section. Click on either link and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen to Talking with your Children about the Sandy Hook Incident.

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But then the theory falls apart:

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook students | Video | 11alive.com


Dec 13, 2012 - Parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School students want to create a winter wonderland for their children after last Friday's tragedy in Newtown. You can help.

The video is dated before the shooting, but was clearly shot after the event, referencing events that happened afterwards - or at least showing the scope of people involved in an so-called "hoax"

This page lists as dec 13th on the google cache, but comes back at dec 14th in the page itself - and it includes pictures from the event. So either they had kids act out a shooting situation and crying all the time, then sworn to utter secrecy, or the date is wrong in the google cache.

News: Sandy Hook School Shooting | Lift Up Ministry


Dec 13, 2012 - Though it will not take away the suffering or heartache from these Sandy Hook families, I am making it my goal to gift each of these broken homes with Ellie's ..

Search google for sandy hook then use the search tools to specify a custom date range of 12-13-2012 to 12-13-2012 and you will find a ton of reports of the shooting. Either this is the the most carefully crafted conspiracy in history involving half the planet in its planning - or the dates are wrong.

I think Occam's Razor applies here.

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