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Sandy Hook conspiracy video? thoughts?


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I seen a few of these videos. The one that made me think the most was this family photo. In this photo the daughter had her hands in her mouth. She hand two thumbs on the same hand. Her sister had no legs.. Every other photo of the one girl she had her hands in her mouth same expression.

Also the medical examiner is a retard.

When columbine happened you seen photos from inside the school within days. I have yet to see the door this kid shot up..

Just yesterday ny passed a law banning assault rifles with military traits..if you happen to own a assault rifle you have to register it and you can't have a clip that holds more than 7 bullets.


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I seen a few of these videos. The one that made me think the most was this family photo. In this photo the daughter had her hands in her mouth. She hand two thumbs on the same hand. Her sister had no legs.. Every other photo of the one girl she had her hands in her mouth same expression.



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And what about the "guy in camo running away, into the woods" then stories of them escorting a camo-dressed male out of the woods and him telling people along the way that he "didn't do it"? Helicopter footage of the man being chased.

Yeah, I wondered about the photos and hurriedness of the whole thing. Splash of on-site news coverage that day, then weeks and weeks of talk about it with no more photos, video, etc.

Something just doesn't seem right about the whole thing. The anti-gun folks were sooooo fast to get their message out there and amplified.

Anyone seen the Batman movie map issue, along with Aurora on the skyline building, in regards to the Colorado shooting?

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Shitty reporting doesn't make a conspiracy. I hate Obama and the libtard gun grabbers with a passion, but the amount of people needed to engineer something like this and their ability to shut up and work in concert makes me realize it could never happen. This administration isn't talented enough for that kind of machination.


Trained Players and Actors Making It Real:- DENVER, CO, October 31, 2012 -- A new group of actors is now available nationwide for active shooter drills and mall shooting full-scale exercises, announced Visionbox, Denver's leading professional actors studio.

Visionbox Crisis Actors are trained in criminal and victim behavior, and bring intense realism to simulated mass casualty incidents in public places.

Visionbox Crisis Actors can also play the role of citizens calling 911 or mall management, or posting comments on social media websites.

Think about the possibilities....

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The FB and other website dates are disturbing as well as the ME's behavior, the odd man who took in 6 children, family interviews, and other correlating events in the area.

I'm not one to buy into conspiracies since they never seem to be proven as reality but the inconsistencies surrounding this event definitely make one wonder what the hell is going on and why.

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The girl with two thumbs looks normal to me. She's sucking on on her middle and ring fingers, palm facing us. Nothing else in the pic looks wrong. The father's pinkies are hidden by cloth and the girls' legs are either side of his leg, pointing directly down.

The family pic looks to be older, and the girl who appeared with Obama is older than she is in the pic. She's probably wearing the same dress as a tribute.

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Today I was curious and googled Sandy Hook Shooting and changed the dates from 12/10/12-12/13/12 there are several results and we do know it was the 14th it happened. Can anyone explain why these sites have results before said so dates? I am not network or website savy... just thought that is weird. Esp with the United Way site being there, you can still find that if you google Sandy Hook United Way using the dates before the shooting, the first link will take you to the site as seen in the video.


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Interesting conspiracy vid...some of it can be explained away but some of it is pretty bizarre. I think I saw that medical examiner in the Cannonball Run movie


That other video, LOL...

For some reason it reminds me of Nicholson in the Shining...

"Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just going to bash your brains in. Gonna bash 'em right the fuck in!"

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Today I was curious and googled Sandy Hook Shooting and changed the dates from 12/10/12-12/13/12 there are several results and we do know it was the 14th it happened. Can anyone explain why these sites have results before said so dates? I am not network or website savy... just thought that is weird. Esp with the United Way site being there, you can still find that if you google Sandy Hook United Way using the dates before the shooting, the first link will take you to the site as seen in the video.


The dates are not accurately.

Try this: Search for "Steve Appleton Dead" with a custom date range of feb 1 2012 - feb 2 2012 there are results for those dates in the google results even though he died on the 3rd. Unless Steve Appleton's death was also a conspiracy, I'd suggest the google dates are not to be trusted.

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The dates are not accurately.

Try this: Search for "Steve Appleton Dead" with a custom date range of feb 1 2012 - feb 2 2012 there are results for those dates in the google results even though he died on the 3rd. Unless Steve Appleton's death was also a conspiracy, I'd suggest the google dates are not to be trusted.

Could go either way. Maybe I need to look on Bing or other search engines that allow date changes. Still not convinced that there's no shady doings here

Lots of things don't add up. This isn't the first school shooting and there's not been as much confusions there.

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