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Not sure how to link background checks to mental health database. How does a person get added or removed to this list?

Great thing to do there - politicize mental health practitioners, and compel them to determine who could maybe be a threat. Oh, and do you ever get off the list? It's a great message to send to society - once a sicko always a sicko.

Who wouldn't want to clam the fuck up when speaking to ANYONE in that field knowing your civil rights were about to get stripped?

Further, what protects doctors and therapists from lawsuit such as the one brought today against Holmes psychiatrist? It's going to make people report "threats" that aren't there to be on the safe side.

Need a gun? Well, that makes you paranoid and you're mentally deficient.

This is the building blocks of some scary fucking shit. It's not scary yet, it's the underpinnings of it, the mechanism by which a society starts to criminalize everything and everyone.

If you're not terrified of the ramifications, you're a fucking dumbass with no history books.

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Straw purchases are already illegal and most cases carry a stiff penalty, it's the enforcement that's lacking. And, universal checks are unenforceable nonsense anyway - and places the legal onus on the law-abiding who's selling a legal product to a private party. All feel-good nonsense that just annoys and convolutes the law abiding while doing nothing to stop criminals from doing what they've always done.

It's the War On Drugs for guns now....and how well is that bullshit working? Can you get drugs right now if you want? Bet you know how you could. Same with guns...this won't stop anyone from getting guns nor will it stop crime or violence.

What a fucking disgraceful display of pandering bullshit while our country burns.

I agree now that I've more time to process the information from his speech and have read through his EA's list. Straw sale enforcement has always been a joke and enforcing the universal background check will be a huge failure.

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i bet the mental health field takes a serious hit because of this. makes me never want to see a mental health professional, even if i ever needed to. im sure most people feel the same way.

i see major problems with this regarding HIPPA, and other patients right to privacy issues.

Edited by AWW$HEEET
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Okay, call me crazy, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as I was expecting. I don't see any EO stuff that crosses the line, and the stuff he wants congress to work towards is exactly what was expected to be thier starting point. Nothing shocking as far as I'm concerned.

See my prior post. Baby steps and innocuous comments, then changes in the end to something that is completely opposite of what he implied/ said it was going to be.

Dip your toes in the hottub, then a leg, then ease in. As opposed to doing a cannonball...

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This is the building blocks of some scary fucking shit. It's not scary yet, it's the underpinnings of it, the mechanism by which a society starts to criminalize everything and everyone.

If you're not terrified of the ramifications, you're a fucking dumbass with no history books.

i agree. Not to sound like a tin foil hat soap box stander but it's been going on for a while. Taking away our freedoms for the promise of safety. It started small with like seatbelt/helmet laws, cameras everywhere, awb's, and the patriot act just to name a few. The easiest way to get stupid people to give up there freedoms is to make it seem like your doing it for the greater good or there safety. I am seriously afraid of whats next. I honestly don't think it will happen in my lifetime but am afraid for future generations.

Really hate to see what ar prices will be in the next few weeks. I'm still going to try and wait it out. Hope itsthe right decision

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Executive order #18 on the list: Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.

So they DID listen to the NRA, at least a little bit.

That one cracked me up. Armed guards in schools!? Guns in schools is bad! Argghhh! Oh wait, let's provide incentives to schools who hire armed guards. :lol:
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Executive order #18 on the list: Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.

So they DID listen to the NRA, at least a little bit.

Yeah, that jumped out at me too. Either the NRA was right and Obama and everyone on the left was being a cock for calling them hysterical for suggesting armed guards, or the "resource officers" are going to be unarmed, which is about as effective as a rape whistle against a spree-killer.

Gotta be one or the other...either stupid or lying.

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See my prior post. Baby steps and innocuous comments, then changes in the end to something that is completely opposite of what he implied/ said it was going to be.

Dip your toes in the hottub, then a leg, then ease in. As opposed to doing a cannonball...

Nope. The more I think about it, the happier I am. I was expecting much worse, things like an immediate EO banning imports of ammo and mags. This is a pretty good starting point as far as I'm concerned. All fluff, and pass it off to Congress.

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the president's official Gun Violence Summary (pdf). From the office of the white house press secretary:


the president's official Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions (pdf). From the office of the white house press secretary:


the president's official Gun Violence Fact Sheet (pdf). From the office of the white house press secretary:


Edited by ReconRat
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So, on the Gun Violence Summary, the main points:

1. Closing background check loopholes

2. Banning military style assault rifles

3. Making Schools safer

4. Increasing access to mental health professionals.

If he was really concerned about what happened, why isn't "Making Schools Safer" #1 on the list?

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So, on the Gun Violence Summary, the main points:

1. Closing background check loopholes

2. Banning military style assault rifles

3. Making Schools safer

4. Increasing access to mental health professionals.

If he was really concerned about what happened, why isn't "Making Schools Safer" #1 on the list?

I don't think the order matters.

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Executive Orders:

- "Strengthening background checks" - I'm good with this

- Giving mental heal professionals a mechanism for reporting dangerous individual - OK

- Directing CDC to study gun violence reduction, despite congress de-funding it Waste of $ but ok

- CDC to study effect of violent video games Waste of $ but ok

Calling on congress to:

- Pass Universal background checks (I agree with this one) I'm good with this

- Pass AWB and 10 round limit - hell no

- Pass Tougher punishments on straw purchases - OK

- Confirm Todd Jones as ATF director (currently acting director, and Obama will nominate officially) - whatever

- Fund additional police officers Good

I think there should be some specific punishments for those who fail to secure their firearms when somebody takes it and commits a crime. I'm referring to those who take the guns that have legal access to the premises (i.e. friends/relatives) not someone who breaks in an steals it. If you own a gun, you should be responsible enough to store it safely where unauthorized people do not have access.

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