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Pulling a trailer?


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900 lbs isn't much. Ask yourself, "would three 300 lbs passengers fit in this car with me?"

It's a sonic, so probably not...

This is actually the correct answer in an OR twisted way.

Look at the door sticker. It will tell you max passenger weight. Add all your shit, yourself and passengers and bike and trailer. If you don't exceed go for it, but I think you will.

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I was being serious about using that as a general guideline for what the brakes would handle.

And always remember, the "maximum" rating on any piece of equipment is what the legal department insisted they publish to avoid liability, NOT what the engineers decided was the maximum capacity, load, pressure, speed, etc.

We have all gone more than 50 miles and more than 55 mph on a "doughnut" spare and lived to talk about it.

Towing beyond the "maximum" recommendation by a couple hundred pounds is roughly the same. Yes, your stopping distance will increase, and your transmission wear will increase, but if you stay relatively slow to begin with and plan properly, the stopping distance isn't a huge deal. Neither is the trans wear if you're not tackling massive hills and only towing every couple months.

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