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The death of roadracing on US TV


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I wonder how the coverage will be on BeIN sports. They have a 5 hour time slot for Phillip Island World Superbike tonight starting at 7:30. Speed channel left a lot to of room for improvement with their 1 hour time slot & all the commercials. I'm looking forward to this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

With Daytona being the exception, the AMA site list times for all classes as 12am. I think the website is incorrect. Also on the AMA site it seems to indicate all Daytona races being broadcast by Speed.

The Speed website only shows two races being televised, one friday at 6pm and one on Sunday at 1:30pm. :dunno:

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Guys and gals, the live stream production and commentary on AMA's live stream is really quite good - http://www.amaprolive.com/rr/

Give it a watch!

SBK Q2 on now, DSB Q2 starts at 1:10pm EST

Yep...been watching all morning here at work. This and trying to keep up with the IU game my productivity has dropped to zero.

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Yep...been watching all morning here at work. This and trying to keep up with the IU game my productivity has dropped to zero.

One nice thing about working with the team that's racing is that it's up on the big screen for everyone to watch...

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK. DirecTV users. You can add a sports pack for $12.99

bonus, if you call and threaten to cancel the Sports Pack a month later claiming you dont appreciate the value, they'll offer it at $2.99 per month for 6 mo. ya big deal, saved 10 bucks, woopee, i just hate getting nickel and dimed for television programming... especially if youre only watching a single program each month.

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For fucks sake I hate Speed Channel so much right now.

heres the facts guys

not speeds fault or anyones for that matter , tv is a bussiness and in this case ama pro wants $1,000000.00 + for the rights to broadcast their races.

the tv channels need to have sponsors to buy the time slot and be a broadcast sponsor, and they also need commercial sponsors , or ama pro has to find a buyer for the events and present them to a broadcast station.

it s all $. period

but getting to a point where maybe it would be wise for ama to lower the sale price to attract a buyer and build from there.

a little profit is better than none and no exposure.

Edited by livinthedream
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well thats once today

LOL, yeah I hate when Speed cuts into AMA events or even Superbike family just to show victory lane. I mean come on, let other groups get some viewer pleasure out there.

I know I'd rather rub one out to the AMA guys in their sweaty 1 pieces than those Napcar guys in all their nice Argile and shit.

I'm sure you've noticed I'm the local gheykid(not really). And for the record, would be nice to have you around the track with your rider for a few events or what not at Moto Series, if the schedule allows obviously. Love getting some time with people who share the same love's.

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I can tell you the formula to kill off motorcycle roadracing in the US. Take AMA Pro Racing and let them make a GREAT decision to start the first event in March and then wait until LATE May for round two...

Great in getting the sponsors needed when you ask if they will support you. This is exactly the formula they used for Supermoto... Now, take a look where that sport is in the US... Roadracing needs new blood. They need to revise how they focus on this sport and the formula they use. Either that is through NEW management or someone gets a new organization started which is going to be a tough hill to climb.

I do see some light with ASRA and USGPRA joining with AMA for a recognized club series below the AMA Pro Racing level. I wish WERA would have joined in, but suspect that they were asked and declined. Maybe they know something we don't. But, I think getting in with a club series and making it a Pro Am series is a good idea. That could possibly begin the process of a recognized AMA Pro Racing feeder system like Major League baseball has in the Farm Leagues they own.

Anyways, crazy ideas on race schedule, classes that should be revised and the series needs new blood into the Superbike class and make it closer to what it used to be. Not 5 guys racing and the rest playing who finishes after... They have an amazing forumla in the 600 SS and DSB classes. They need that fresh blood injected into the SB class also...

Rant over. I'm getting ready for the MotoGP opener!!!

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not to pick at you brian,

but why does ducati who is a oem who sells mostly all sport /adventure bikes and has made record profits and record sales in the u.s. in the past few years, not step up as all the other oem s have in the past, and foot the bill to get ama pro racing on tv.

heck it would be nice if they would even support pro racing in any form in the u.s. .

their amatuer contingincy is applaudable but in reality they know they are not going to pay much out since there are not too many on the grids to begin with.

if they had some presence in the ama paddock or on tv they might be able to re-juvinate the old win on sun , sell on monday.

but they seem to be content in taking profits but not giving back to the u.s. racing community.

the other oem 's have more than given their fare share over the years.

frankly bmw is no better or maybe worse , they too are reaping huge sales in the u.s. and not spending much to do it.

what insight can you give as a dealer rep on these questions.

i guess my thinking is if they do not want to step up and be part of the solution , then they are just another one of the problems.

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