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Who has 2 thumbs and made a baby? This guy!


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A lot of you are friends on Facebook so you've already seen my post, but I'm happy to say my wife(Sept 29,12) and I are expecting our first child Aug 14th.

So far so good, no morning sickness, wifes tests have all come back clean, even being a vegetarian, and we feel we are truly blessed. It was planned so hopefully everything continues to go as smooth as it has. She is still running about 3 miles 4-5 times a week, and we just came back from our first family vacation with my parents in CO and she did great on skis, again.

And yes, the kid will be at the tracks with me next year, probably not this year, but can't wait to have my wife and a little one enjoying what I love so much.

Just wanted to share :) :)

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HaHa, You guys(especially TrmImafag), are so funny.

1)Actually the wife is being really awesome about the whole thing with life and racing, already told me she wanted me to run the early season and get in as much track time and racing as I can before baby comes. However if I miss the birth she told me I will not live for more than 24hrs so I can at least meet the kid briefly.

2)GSXR = Not for sale, she told me not to sell it because she know's I;ll just buy another bike later and this one is already good. Actually she wants a cruiser after we have the kid.

3)Yeah, I need to start back up at the bar to save some cash up for my expensive hobbies. Maybe I should just sell my AR and pay cash for the delivery and all the Dr. apts, well wait, she pays for all that stuff.

4)I've had gray hair for 5 years, it's just gotten worse since marriage and can't even imagine what a kid will do. Full gray by 31? Sure.

All in all, I am stoked, shes really being awesome, even DD'd me to meet up with the Murse so I could get smashed with him and my best friend. Actually, she's dd'd me a lot lately, not that she drinks anyways, but now she cant.

If anyone is looking to move to Cbus however, we are going to be putting our house on the market in about 1-2 months, basically just looking to get out of it what we owe, so it'll be below market value, and will have a lot of recent cosmetic done.

It's a split level and I don't want to live in one with a kid any longer than we have to. Spread the word :)

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