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The new guy


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No hamiltuky here but I do know a few of em Anybody in my area hit me up if poss Intrested in gettin a group together. Rode few hours today but ready to go again. Gotta lower my front tonite and go back out tmrow or Monday Lets ride!!

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90% of afj I'm sure are cool mofos. But just a few I e had probs with I'm not gonna hold that against the whole club I just should have said there was 3-5 of them that just acted like my 16 yr old daughters friends but my neighbor and his girl are afj and I'm real kool with them. Never hold a group responsible for what just a few of them did So ill edit that first post to I love them to death I aspire to be them if I can do that my life will be complete lol. Na I'm kiddin I don't care what ppl think of me I had a prob with a few and that's that. As far as wit and enlightenment well maybe I just didn't see it from the few that acted like they were king of the streets but my 750 got a pair of liter bikes that nite so I was happy either way I'm lookin to start a club with a dozen of my buddies around my area and whoever else would want in plus a 2nd chapter of its ready to go around cbus area to. Anybody here down hit me up Still down to ride with anyone on this forum or afj or anybody that rides and knows how to ride in a group some ppl only ride alone or with 1-2 ppl and just don't know how to group ride-hold there spot in the lane watch there mirrors. Signal early read others hand signs like pullin off for gas or bike prob etc. I'm kool with anyone tho an I'm ready to ride with all you guys to

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