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I don;t always shop Wal-Mart but when I do..


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I usually find something useful and this was something I had been looking at for a while.

It is a backpack/hydration system, I had been on the fence on one for a while and at $35 I figured what the heck. Now I really have no need to stop,well aside from the fact that all that water has to leave my system somehow lol.




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Very nice. I'm a huge advocate of using these while riding to stay hydrated.

It really cuts down on the physical and mental fatigue, especially during the really hot summer months. With the gas stops we usually do (~100 miles) getting rid of the extra water isn't too much of an inconvenience either.

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fill it halfway, freeze overnight, fill rest of the way in the morning.

I have a slim camelbak and can fit it under my leathers.

ice lasts a decent while and not only keeps your drink cool, acts as air conditioning.

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I'm guessing it's the typical 3 liter. I've got two. One is with a backpack, and the other without. Without is just a camelbak. One of the two hydro bags is going to do double duty in my ILBE bag, it has a pocket also.

I don't use them often, but it's great when I'm not wanting to stop for much.

And you will lose a lot of water just from the airstream you are riding though.

edit: That's a lovely shade of pink on your bag...

Mine are all black or green or grey or coyote, in case I run into a thirsty coyote...

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I've also noticed that this type gear is very stylish with bicycling and goes out of style and on sale this time of year. I picked up mine from a big West Coast mail order outfit for half price or better with free shipping. Very low prices.

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fill it halfway, freeze overnight, fill rest of the way in the morning.

I have a slim camelbak and can fit it under my leathers.

ice lasts a decent while and not only keeps your drink cool, acts as air conditioning.

This is the exact way I use mine, except it goes into my tank bag.

I also put the hydropack inside a mylar frozen food bag. It will stay colder MUCH longer inside the mylar bag.

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