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A road trip in February?


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Well I'm glad y'all approve because there were times when I was droning along the interstate that I felt far less than "awesome" or "excellent." It was more like: Why am I spending two entire days on interstates just for two days of 65 and 70-degree weather? :rolleyes:

Almost the entire ride home was 48 degrees. It was 48 degrees in my cousin's driveway at 6:45 a.m. in Georgia and it was 48 degrees in my parents' driveway at 4 p.m. in West Virginia. I got further north at the same rate that the day warmed up. It was a little colder yet when I got to Columbus.

Oh well, we do what we do and figure out the justifications later, right?

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February in Ohio does strange things to the mind. Like pushing me to find any excuse for a road trip.

Very true! and very envious. Last February, my buddy came down from Minneapolis (to escape the cold) and we rode south into Alabama and back. We spent 5 days on the road and ran into "nice" (read: COLD) weather down in Alabama. The trip back north to Cincinnati was warmer than it was in Alabama. Ate some damn good BBQ though and would do it again in a heartbeat! :cool:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Headed down to bro-in-law and seester....he just texted me....had to mow the lawn yesterday....I sprinkled salt on walk to melt snow....so even though not on bike, I 'll be down in 60*....shouldn't be much traffic on the Dragon's Tail though....oh yeah, they live at north end of 129....body surfing anyone?

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