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Rider down.....


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I don't know this rider nor does the op...


Squids ride everything, just just gsxr's. in this case it was a new zx-14.

The riding season is coming soon, and I know most of us on here live the AGATT motto. Just becareful out there and keep the shiny side up.

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its a shame to see any rider to go down. the dude was right though, he shouldnt have seen it and id be mad at the n00b too. buts still, its a brother on 2 wheels. (though at the time he was on one). i know when i wrecked doing about 60 in the twisties and got up and walked away, i thanked who ever was watching over me that day. though i did have most of the correct gear on too.

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Reminds me of one of my good friends. Dumbass goes out and buys a ZX14 after only having ridden a small Honda cruiser for a year. Hardly ever wears gear. We all decide to ride to a buddies wedding in our Tux's (groom too) but all agree to leave the bikes there and get rides home. Well after a night of drinking all the free alcohol we could, he decides to ride home. He even rode around someone trying to block him in and hauled ass down the road. Sure enough, ten minutes later we came across him in the ditch with a set of skid marks following him in. The bike wasn't quite totaled because the helmet strapped to the side took the brunt of the damage. He cracked his head on the pavement but managed to walk away with a huge lump on his forehead and some roadrash. He still didn't learn his lesson... I'm for sure not going to ride with him this summer unless he is wearing gear as I don't want to be in a similar situation as above.

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I read somewhere that that's why we call them squids. I have yet to run across a better explanation, perhaps you can enlighten me.

I popped Squid into Google and came across some things in the Sportbike Network Forum.

squid (skwibreve.gifd)

n. pl. squids or squid

A motorcycle rider who demonstrates a lack of respect for the general public and the failure to realize the possible negative impact that could result from their riding actions on public or non-public roads.

The squid is just unable to rationalize or conceptualize the possible negative outcomes resulting from their actions. This is regardless of whether or not they wear protective gear.

The squid does not realize that it is not that they are not wearing gear that makes them a squid - it is the fact that they think they are exempt from social morales and can pull a 10 o`clock wheelie on public roads or weave in and out of traffic at twice the traffic speed just because they can.

I came across this,



It might be a spam thing of some sort, but you can read the questions just for fun.

...and this.


Stupidly Quick, Under-dressed, Imminently Dead



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I read somewhere that that's why we call them squids. I have yet to run across a better explanation, perhaps you can enlighten me.

It doesn't really make any sense though, its just mentioning speed. Plenty of people are surely quick, but squid generally implies the lack of gear and doing stupid things. I have always wrote/read it as Stupidly Quick, Under-dressed, Ignorant, Dangerous. Hits most of the noob points I think

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After some research it seems that the name squid comes from the socal racing scene. It was borrowed from the surfing scene to describe an inexperienced surfer, they called them 'squirrely kids', later shortened to squid. I forget where I read the surely quick until I die, it was in one motorcycle book or another.

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