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Perv Creeper gets busted watching young girls at the bus stop here in Columbus.


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although i've no doubt the "creeper" is a "creeper", dude that filmed it should be on the lookout for a possible slander suit, should "creeper" wish to pursue one.

he also shouldn't publicly post threats...just asking for trouble.

imho, shoulda beat creeper's @ss without the camera going, or just let the cops handle it.

...oh, and it's "That's a lie", not "thats a lie". If you're gonna post your videos, you should learn punctuation - not doing so makes you look not-so-smart. sorry, pet peave.

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although i've no doubt the "creeper" is a "creeper", dude that filmed it should be on the lookout for a possible slander suit, should "creeper" wish to pursue one.

he also shouldn't publicly post threats...just asking for trouble.

imho, shoulda beat creeper's @ss without the camera going, or just let the cops handle it.

...oh, and it's "That's a lie", not "thats a lie". If you're gonna post your videos, you should learn punctuation - not doing so makes you look not-so-smart. sorry, pet peave.


hue hue hue hue hue

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We used to have a lady sit and watch a neighbor boy. Some of the neighbors knew who she was. The boy looked just like her dead and gone son. Very sad. She would sit there and cry.

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1. shitty houses

2. mustang


white trash status:

[x] confirmed

[ ] not confirmed

:lol: I'll hazard a guess that if the creeper guy was 30 years younger & built like a linebacker the guy's approach would have been just a little different.

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From what I've been told there is an old man that sits at one of the schools in troy. Police were notified but said there is nothing they can do. No law against looking creepy or watching kids come and go from school.

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Not sure what to think, seems like total assumption and just an irate parent making an ass out of himself. He had zero business handling it like he did, one thing to approach a guy and ask him WTF he is up to or going on, whole other thing to threaten him and video the whole thing AND post it on the WWW. Maybe he is in fact a creeper, or maybe in fact he is misunderstood as to why he is there all the time? Let the police handle it, by law they must question suspicious people if there are being reported.

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Old guy talking to my daughter certainly isn't the issue. Repeatedly sitting and watching children and then engaging them is one step away from dragging away in the van, IMO.

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