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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2008 in all areas

  1. Another galant http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k158/9t1tsi/newv10.jpg so someone buy my old one!!! http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58882
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Check out my cavalier http://www.mikelobban.ca/forumpics/funnypix/RICE_cavalier_03.jpg
    1 point
  4. quit clicking every damn ad under the sun. you have a spy ware issue, please go to download.com and install Spybot Search and Destroy and CCleaner Use Firefox, and the add-ons, use adblock, and use no script. Honestly if your pop ups are that bad, you will probably have ot just format.. but try sbybot and CCcleaner, see if you can clear it all up.
    1 point
  5. out of last efforts in making friends he throws out the racial jokes hoping we are full of racist biggots. FAIL ban for good.
    1 point
  6. Click that scale looking thing on the top right of every post thats next to the post number positive rep me for that
    1 point
  7. did you come across this by searching for ANUS on youtube????
    1 point
  8. I dont care if the guy drives a festiva, a cavalier a mustang, or an f body. If you have choosen a cavalier, more power to you. I dont even care if you put a fucking body kit on it and wear a ricer flag from your back pocket. All you have to do is start off being respectful. If you fucked up and talked shit on another board, man up and if thats how you feel, than shit, say it. I cant stand it when people say, "its a piece of shit" I drive. Keep it clean, take care of it. Hell its a car. It has an engine, tires and I assume it can go down a track. This aint "9seccolumbusracing.com". Fuck it if it makes it down the track in 32 secs I am fine with that. Just make an effort to be cool. Dont try to impress anyone just be yourself. Tell who you are, what you drive, post pics, state why your here and hope for the best. By the love of god dont start 3 posts in the oven.
    1 point
  9. Thanks guys, hope to converse with other Ford guys both new and old. I understand carbs and distributors and I'm working on the newer computer controlled fuel injected cars too. I've even been known to talk to chevy guys and rice burners from time to time. Although I've always thought: what's the point, but hey, that's just me.
    1 point
  10. in that case, rep me back into the green ol bravo
    0 points
  11. These pictures suck man. See, http://i405.photobucket.com/albums/pp133/ND2RACE/dumb/image012.jpg
    0 points
  12. http://pic.phyrefile.com/a/an/anonymous/2008/11/29/1227984184342.jpg
    0 points
  13. i dont care what he drives.... i hate cavilers.. am i going to give him some shit for it? yep... probibly less shit then if mustang drove a mustang... its not about what you drive as much as how you come off... he proved he gets butt hurt and goes onto other forums and bitches about this forum and cleveland ... hes a bitch.. point made.
    -1 points
  14. Cavaliers suck balls, ricers are not welcomed in this site. Kthxbai
    -1 points
  15. i still cant figure out how to use rep....lol
    -1 points
  16. Hey guys, I thought I'd introduce my car even though she's dead now. I feel so down right now its crazy! I was driving Friday afternoon when a car cut me off and long story short I hit a fire hydrant and a light pole. I was gonna start a thread when I got my T70 put on but looks like Its never going to happen. Now im in need of a car so let me know what you guys have. Keep in mind Im broke and cant afford anything expensive. Thanks alot to Colten for driving down to my shop and helping me take the car apart!! Also want to thank my Team for all their support! I have tons of parts for sale or might trade for a car depending on what it is. Some of the things I took out my car include a highport sr20 motor with 102k miles, b13 lsd tranny with 90k miles, walbro 255 fuel pump, calumn ecu, boost controller, altezza tail lights, RFL bov, oil catch can, Racing Seats, and a whole bunch more stuff. Also have a bunch of spare parts that I had so let me know guys! Here is some before and after pics. BEFORE http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/liv2die06/before/08ba6edb265d.jpg http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/liv2die06/before/1012842315fa.jpg http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/liv2die06/before/4cdfef54964c.jpg http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/liv2die06/before/4f8eff02f288.jpg http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/liv2die06/before/536e8f4f5bad.jpg http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l74/liv2die06/before/62252eaca795.jpg
    -1 points
  17. can anybody tell me if Kirks5oh is bipolar? Because if he hasn't been diagnosed yet he should see a doctor. My car WAS an eye soar and many snobby UA neighbors did call the cops on my car. And "fuck off douchebag" isn't something I'm learning for the first time. As far as triple bitch goes... i got nothing. googled it and the only hit was a group of 3 "hood rats" that rap together and call them selves triple bitch gang. So not sure whats meant buy that?
    -2 points
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