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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2011 in all areas

  1. This thread has been a bit entertaining. While I am far from all knowing, I have been around this rivalry (regardless of state - and can recall when the tables were reversed) both here in Cleveland, in Pittsburgh (where more than half of my family is from) and around the country as a Browns Backer president. The reason Browns fanguy and Stillers fanguy hate/loathe eachother and eachother's teams so much is they are the same guy. They think the same way about their team, about the other guy's team, and about most things in life. They are cut from the same cloth, are passionate beyond the realm of common sense, and know what it take to get under the other one's skin because its the same shit that bothers them. And I will tell you that the truest fans of each team AND the sport have a begrudging respect for the other, almost like an evil twin sibling. If you have a Cowboys fan, a Redskins fan, a Stiller fan, and a Browns fan in a bar and the subject of rivalries comes up, those Browns fan and Stiller fan will have eachother's back in that fight. They won't like it, but they will defend the overall rivalry of their teams against anyone elses. Its why football is the greatest team sport in our country, and will continue to be so long as they play it. Stiller fans are no better or no worse than Browns fans, regardless of either of each team's success. But I will say that the NFL is a better league when both of these teams are doing well. And would be a helluva lot better if the Ravens didn't exist.
    2 points
  2. My name is Kevin Frazier and I was lucky enough to come across this website while looking for facilities in the (relatively) local area that does good work on a Harley. I need a new back tire for mine. Anyhow, I have a couple of kids in high school, 14 and 16 both of which are stunt riders on our small but growing quarter horse "ranch". I home school both of them as the travel tends to take quite a bit of time away from school and the school does not seem to like that. I have been married to my lovely (working) wife what will be 21 years on St Patricks Day. I intentionally did it that way so I would never forget the date! No lie. I rode quite a bit when I was a younger man as I only owned a bike for almost 2 years. I still remember the cold so let's just say that I am now ONLY a fair weather rider. I picked up a 2003 100th year edition Harley Sportster last year and just like a boat, I already want a bigger one. Naw, this one will do just fine for a good while. That's about it. I look forward to meeting and riding with many of you and if you know of a good reputable shop close to Springboro Oh let me know. Thanks and good rindin. Kevin
    1 point
  3. My name is John and Im fom Va. I have A Mustang but nothing special right now. I have owend alot of nice cars but a kid with cancer changes your life so sorry no cars worth posting pictures of right now. If it helps I can post some pics of some of my cars I had when I was living the good life. Blast away.
    1 point
  4. or well at least a free taco http://coupons2.smartsource.com/smartsource/index.jsp?Link=G7KKOAEU47FWU
    1 point
  5. stop the foreplay. Do not pass go. Do not collect 45064245525 pesos. Go directly to "challenge you at all aspects of life"
    1 point
  6. Thats why anyone who breaks into my house will have a gun on them period. I work with a older guy who was all over the paper here in cleveland awhile back for shooting a guy in his house. He had his property broke into like 3 times. the forth time he was met face to face with a large perp with a pry bar in his garage. he was attempting to steal tools again. He confronted the perp and the guy ran at him. He shot and killed the guy. No charges were filed and the family has no right to damages due to the fact he was shot while involved in criminal activities. I say shoot the dirt bag if he breaks in to your house and you are there.
    1 point
  7. unless a girl that looks like this wants free kisses
    1 point
  8. Fearful isn't good enough. A threat to life or safety of yourself or others is. Just ask "what are your intents", as you click your safety off...
    1 point
  9. yeah their firearms laws are nice. but how do you feel about being in a state where 60% of people do not disagree that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time http://www.texastribune.org/texas-education/public-education/texans-dinosaurs-humans-walked-the-earth-at-same/ plus, we know only 2 things come from texas private cowboy.
    1 point
  10. I think my grandpa has one of those.
    1 point
  11. Jbot never had this problem as he likes sitting on wood.
    1 point
  12. Oh bullshit... Shoot the a-hole. Then shoot his buddy. Take his gun and fire 3-4-5 shots down the hall or toward the kitchen, where ever you were when you fired. Be sure to spuratically shoot them. No good groupings needed. Oh and be sure you hold the gun like a thug, you know sideways. Then let his hand fall limply and let the gun land where ever. Then call the cops. All J/K aside. This is straight up BS. The defender is right to the fact that if the guy steals your TV you have no right to do anything about it. But if he has a gun while stealing your TV. Pop his dumbass and repeat the above.
    1 point
  13. In my opinion, breaking into my house with me home is an offense of violence against me and my family. If you only wanted our stuff, you would wait until we weren't home before breaking in. And, they brought a gun! Like someone posted before, they weren't there to make him a continental breakfast. They brought the gun to kill him if necessary.
    1 point
  14. I already regret commenting on this thread, but just wanted to point out that I was talking 2009, PIT 9-7 CLE 5-11. At game 12 it was PIT 6-6 CLE 1-11. I guess for me it's just a hometown pride thing rather than about the teams themselves, and when the guy next door is waving a foreign flag and talking shit for attention, I just want him to STFU. Nothing against the real fans.
    1 point
  15. Lets not lose focus of the holiday. It's not a womans holiday, it's a LOVE holiday. It's not one sided. Food for thought. Men need to be shown appreciation just as much.
    1 point
  16. Steeler fans obnoxious?! You should take a step back and look at OSU fans! One main reason why I don't like OSU! I give them their respect but wow, their fans are crazy, than again, so are any fans of teams you don't like. It will always be this way. Since moving to Ohio, I have learned to cheer against Ohio teams for this reason. Even in Florida it is not this bad. Heck, Foridians hate teams in Florida!
    1 point
  17. Yes. It's too easy to be a Pittsburgh fan, and sure I'm jealous of their success. It's no different than being a Yankees fan or a Rossi fan or an OSU fan. I detest the Steelers, but I don't automatically hate their fans. They at least (seem) loyal; and I respect that. The Bengals are an illustration of what I hate in any team's fans - they're obnoxious when the team's decent, and completely disappear when they're in the shitter. I PRAY that I get a chance to see how Steelers fans react in that situation.
    1 point
  18. I hear that one all the time and I don't like the Ravens nor do I want them to win but definitely dont like them the least out of the other AFC North teams. Reason being is they didn't really have any control of the situation and nobody on the team really cares that they used to be the Browns. Now if you are talking Art Moddell then I am with you. Yes despite what people want to think, he still is the most hated man in Cleveland. Lebron doesn't hold a candle in my eyes
    1 point
  19. It's called a rivalry! It's been going on since the first days of the Browns and the Squeelers playing each other. Nothing more,,,,that is until Rotten Burger stepped out of line.
    1 point
  20. Browns/Indians/Cavs fans, just jump ship and embrace another team. You know deep down there are universal forces at work to ensure Cleveland never gets a championship, are you really going to try and fight the entire universe single-handed?
    1 point
  21. There was a link on ls1 tech and thats how I found this place. I joined because I love "anything" cars and just enjoy talking cars. Here's a few of my cars I have had within the last ten years. My ws6. Bought new in 01 http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/jleews6/01%20RamAir%20TransAm/picsofcars026.jpg 29K mile 86GT. sold in 03 http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/jleews6/2A%2086%20GT%2030K%20miles/the86gt04.jpg My 02 SS. Sold in 04 http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/jleews6/2002%20Sunset%20SS/laceysunsetandsnake030.jpg My 87 WE4. 60K mile car. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/jleews6/Buicks/babetteswe4.jpg My 82GT sold 08 http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/jleews6/Dads%2082%20GT/goodpicsofthe82004.jpg My 03 cobra. Sold in 04 http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/jleews6/dads%20cars/myoldcobra4.jpg My 7K mile 93 Cobra. 4.6 4V with JT trim. Baer brakes,it had EVERYTHING. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a117/jleews6/pics2004157.jpg This is just a small part of the cars I have had over the years. They are all gone and now all I have is an 85 Mustang GT but its all good. One thing I have learned is that everything happens for a reason and If my son hadn't got sick I would still be working 10 to 12 hours a day 7 days a week and not spending time with my family because I was to worried about having "stuff" Now I work 40 hours a week and spend alot of time with my cancer free son with his Mustangs and my other son racing motocross.
    1 point
  22. hahahahahahaha you got me good you fucker
    1 point
  23. It is awesome! They're very bike friendly as well. Their dining area is tiny, so warmer weather to sit out on the pickanic tables is crucial.
    1 point
  24. I think a monthly meetup breakfast type thing than ride to a few points of interests then to a destination where you can shoot and then drink or relax for the night would be good.
    1 point
  25. ive whole heartedly missed you jarvis... but not in a keeping up with the styles kinda way. just sayin.
    1 point
  26. This is just for V-Strom riders? do five 60-year old women and Ben really constitute a "get-together"?
    1 point
  27. you dont know me.. birth control isnt 100% accurate. if you dont believe me, ask your parents. chipotle is her favorite place to eat. lucky for me, thats where SHE wants to go. (im not complaining about saving money) as far as delivering pizza's shove that shit all up in your ass buddy. im not stinking up my supra with grease and pepperoni's. the job isnt for everyone, not that i am attacking you personally, i'm sure you have fun doing it. and as far as the card goes, she probably wont get one, cards are bullshit anyway, i'd rather drop money on flowers or some other cliche shit, or maybe show the girl i care about how i feel on a random day, not some fucking hallmark holiday. real talk.
    -1 points
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