I was careful with my words. Comparing the legislation of gun laws to legislating one's right to house animals they are not capable of a)protecting the public from and b) protecting from the immediate environment outside of their fences is unreasonable. The fact that the right to each would be legislated upon is the only thing that makes these scenarios even remotely related. If I leave my gun locker unlocked and decide to use one to blow my brains out, my neighbors are not in danger of my other guns walking out of the locker on their own and shooting them. As well, if I leave my gun locker unlocked, my guns are not in potential danger of leaving an environment they shouldn't be confined to and getting themselves in a place where they have to be destroyed for the safety of the populace. You can't use the fact that we have to legislate and vote upon everything in our society to paint everything the same color with such a broad brush. Fact is, There isn't a single thing today worth celebrating aside from possibly that these incredibly dangerous creatures, stranded in what must have been a frightening and alien environment, did not harm anyone. The only human casualty today was by that individual's own hand. This gentlemen was the epitome of irresponsible, endangering countless area residents, and exposing those innocent animals to certain death by letting them loose into an environment that has but one means to handle them and that is to destroy them. Whatsmore, there have been numerous additional incidents where animals of this nature escaped because suitable measures to confine them were not in place, because the owner either wasn't able to or chose not to provide them. Unless your address is the zoo, you have no business keeping animals of this nature. Most people are not capable of having the means to provide the proper environment for them. Which is completely unlike guns. Any Joe Citizen can provide a place for a gun to be left alone and not hurt a soul; a $40 fire safe or $400 gun locker. If you can afford the gun, you can afford to safely confine it. You'll never see a 1911 crawl out of one and kill anybody, or get melted down to scrap because it found its way onto some unsuspecting neighbor's farm on its own.