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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2012 in all areas
Hi all, I am raffling off my 2011 Triumph Daytona 675 with only 2,500 miles! This is a beautiful bike in a "Phantom Black" (black with blue/purple pearl) and gold accents. The Cause - My brother was injured in a mountain biking accident in Utah on September 3rd. After being air flighted to the University of Utah Hospital, he underwent emergency surgery to repair his broken spine, specifically his L1 vertebrae. He came out of surgery with some shiny new hardware, 2 titanium plates and 10 screws, fusing together his T11, T12, L1, L2, & L3 vertebrae. Currently he is faced with the possibility of never walking again due to severe spinal cord injury. But refusing to subscribe to this prognosis, he has been busting his butt (which he regained small amounts of feeling in recently) in rehabilitation while still hospitalized in Utah. He is making great progress, but it will be 3-4 more weeks till he is cleared to return to his home in Tampa, FL. He will likely be out of work for 6-12 months or more while he continues rehab in Florida in hopes of being able to walk again. I decided to raffle off my bike to help cover the great medical expenses as well as day-to-day living while he is out of work. The Raffle - I am selling only 200 tickets for a donation of $80 each. You will have a 1 in 200 chance of winning this awesome bike! It has a clean title in my name, with no leins, ready to be transferred to the winner. A Drawing Date has been set! Friday, December 7th is the day, and I will be drawing it at the Paninis in Euclid, OH around 7 PM. Anyone in the area is welcome to stop out, have a beer and watch. No promises yet, but I'm working on having a young, female...."assistant" we will call her, to draw the winning ticket. To Purchase a Ticket - Please send me a PM and I will send you my address where you can send a check/money order. I can't accept paypal as payment anymore, I was told that it is a violation of their acceptable use terms. Thank you all for your support! I finally got a day to get it out with a little bit of sun and take some decent pics. Just put on a fresh coat of wax: Trying to show the pearl in the paint, but it just isn't sunny enough out.2 points
2 points
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez6AOInhcYk Details:Even if officially ride called off, people who are willing to come out are going to keep the ride alive. but all meet time will be pushed back by another 1.5 hour from whats posted below. so now we will be meeting in newark by 12:30 and ride by 1:30 Date: October 6 2012 Saturday. (oct 7 will be weather check date) Place: Empty parking lot 1058 E. Main st. Newark, Ohio 43055 Time: meet around 11:00 am, meet and greet and photo section, kick stand by 12:00 Route: http://goo.gl/maps/OZB4j Loop of about 100 miles, those who wanna ride more can keep on riding, Request: Be ATGATT if possible, and try and sport a OR t shirt if you have one. There is a BP gas station close by to the meeting spot to fill up before the meet. Peripheral meet spots to ride to Newark Central Meet Spot: Meet at 9:30 kick stand by 10:00 Quaker Steak and Lube 8500 Lyra Drive, Columbus, OH 43240 South West Meet spot : Meet at 8:30 kick stand by 9:00 Competition Accessories 343 W Leffel Lane Springfield, OH 45506 North West Meet spot: Meet around 7:30 Kick stand by 8:00 Circle K at 36024 Royalton Rd. (SR 82), Grafton, OH 44044 North East Meet spot: Meet around 7:00 kick stand by 7:30 BP Gas station, 586 main street, canfeild OH 44406 (where 11 meet 224) North Central meet spot: Meet around 8:45 kick stand by 9:15 Diary queen/ Marthon station Exit 93 off 77 OH77 and OH 212 What is it? A ride hoping to bring in as many active OR peeps into action. We share our joy, sorrow, trouble and life on this forum over internet. Why not just come out and share our common passion for one day that is motorcycling. How does it work? The equation is simple, ohio riders from different parts like SW , NEO etc organize group rides and ride out to a common location in central ohio. Here we have a brief meet and greet. Re organize our self and does a short loop together before we split off. Where will it happen.? Asking advice thru pm from some central folks as we speak, most prolly gonna be in Newark area where there is a big gas station and a big empty lot nearby. (eg GetGo and giant eagle lot) The ride route will be a loopof about 100 miles in coschocton area. After this the groups can decide whtr to carry on or split up. The different ride groups from different location will carry on the ride back to their region. Made it more central so folks from SW can also ride up. Last year it was in neo and still few south hard core team showed up. and we ended up riding south itself. so thought why not keep it at central and we all ride down there as part of ride itself. What this is NOT This wont be a cluster crap nor a parade. The groups will be split up according to their riding preference to smaller groups of 5- 7 riders doing the same route, the only place we all be a big group is the meet up and end of ride, Other wise it will be spaced out which is safer and fun. At least once in a life time i think its safe to take the chance and give this a try. Since most folks are the ones we know who believe in ATGATT and safe riding practice i am almost 100% sure this will be un eventful like last year. There wont be any cook out or eating etc. Simple plain hand shakes chit chat, drink some water, munch on a cereal bar and off we go to ride together. Who is this for? Anybody who enjoys a motorcycle and love to meet the rest of the ohio riders. sports bike, sport touring, cruisers every one can come out. I guarantee there will be a group you can ride with comfortable. If group ride is not your thing just ride out to the meet spot and hang out for few before you leave. If you have other obligations on that day, just come out meet and leave before the ride. You wanna put face to the names come on over. Personally being a visitor in this country OR has given me more friends and advices than my real life work. I have met and rode with a majority of active NEO riders, and I would love to meet and ride with all the rest of the folks before i leave next year . I have seen many hobbies and interests in OR and the only common thing we share is riding for sure. So just come out and have a ride thats all. What do we gain? Hard to explain i guess, to each their own. I would like to have the biggest OR group photo in riding gear of course and the best motorcycle video of my life. Last year i missed out recording the ride part because of simple mistake and the only reason i didnt kill myself with regret is because of busy work schedule So folks with go pros cameras, digital cameras, any cameras. come out and make this day memorable and lets share it for the next generation. Who knows how long we will be riding. And make some everlasting friendship, it was last year met with al z heimer whos been a best friend and riding mentor for me ever since. he lived close by and would not have met if not for this meet up thingy. What happened in dream ride 2011? Had a great time for me personally. Even though the weather played spoil sport many riders showed up. Inspite of being up north about 30+ riders came out and the smaller groups evolved by their own choice. the fast guys went ahead with their ride while the intermediate/ slow group enjoyed our own ride with a break in between. Met many a folks and it was a blast. There were no events except for the mirror of bad324. Hoping being more central in location we can have at least 50 riders this time. Like i said was just able to make the intro part of video not ride part http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrczjLOYKdI Big group ride may not be your cup of tea. Believe me not for me too, More than 5-6 is always hard to manage. But for one day just spent some time to meet up and take few pics and then resume the ride in the same pattern of smaller group thats all. I repeat the ride wont be a cluster crap nor parade, whtr its fast/ slow/ new riders/ cruisers/ you will find a group you will like to ride comfortable with. Last year there was no ego war, 80% of the riders opted to ride the slower/ intermediate paced group and had fun. Each group micro manage itself, dont have to wait or look out for other group riders to catch up etc Finally sorry for this huge wall of text, huge thanks to every one that showed up last time on that overcast day to help make it work and making it a memorable day. Praying for the magic to happen again.1 point
1 point
1 point
Look forward to reading some threads, maybe posting some cool ones, and possibly meeting some people to ride with in the future.1 point
Yeah I was gonna put the mods in my sig but just realized I cant make one yet...or I cant see where to add my sig... nothing major right now..intake, exhaust..no tune yet sticking with the warranty for a while...shortshifter and heavyweight knob...bunch of aesthetic stuff here and there...havent tracked her yet but think I'ma get few dyno pulls at SloMo this weekend..not sure yet1 point
1 point
PM sent. I'll buy one. Good Karma coming your way. If for some some reason you don't sell all 200 tickets, I do not accept refunds1 point
Definately interested, probably just the bottom half of the route for me I'm from the buckeye lake area. Once I know the final route I can have a better idea. Keep this updated.1 point
I do,I do.I've been playing on some of the good county roads in Muskingum,Hocking and Washington counties this year,so I'm always up for another good twisty county road.How's the pavement conditions? As soon as I get a new back tire on the bike I'll be up to check out CR19 and CR22.1 point
And gravel around in the 90's after Blissfield and a bit beyond south. SR60 from Ashland to Loudonville okay....may wanna look at picking up 179 at Hayesville....following it will bring you out just above Nashville...60 & 39 run together for awhile....then too, drop down on 514 at Nashville to SR520 and left at stop sign when 520 ends at 62 onto 62 and cross bridge and there is SR60 again. Y'all problee don't wanna hear about good ole twisty CR19 and CR22 that runs the hills west of SR60 to Warsaw. At Warsaw ya pick up SR60 again.1 point
Def. take 60. watch out for the hair pin curves after blissfield.1 point
60 has less traffic. Lots of new pavement especially further south. You need to watch your speed as you go through the towns especially Nashville. There has always been a cop there with somebody pulled over - usually a bike. More sweepers and straights. I find 60 less annoying than 83. 83 north of Millersburg isn't really that exciting. The nicer stuff happens when you leave Millersburg south. The traffic on 83 has become pretty annoying. Lots of dump trucks and semis. I've also found many of the other traffic to be very anti-motorcycle. I can't tell you how many times we've tried to pass cars/trucks who aren't even going the speed limit and they gun it or move over onto you. Seems to be mostly pickup trucks. Those are times I don't feel bad that I don't have my db killers in and I hope it blows their ear drums out. Mary1 point
Your map is too hard to read. Nothing north of 39 is going to be entertaining. 83 is going to have more traffic and not as nice scenery but the road won't be as challenging for two up riding so it would be safer. 60 has very little traffic, nice views for a passenger but you will need to keep you pace more in check. This is just a comparison between the two roads, I call 60 a sweeper road compared to the roads I really like. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Ashland,+OH&daddr=Coshocton,+OH&hl=en&ll=40.570154,-82.087097&spn=1.128683,2.469177&sll=40.805494,-82.155762&sspn=1.124704,2.469177&geocode=FTybbwIdduwX-ymPkkV8TPs5iDGPJETASM4y7A%3BFY-AZgIdCOwe-yn9x1AD-KE3iDGknSXxtuz1Wg&oq=ash&mra=ls&t=m&z=91 point
They look like this: but I only have the big plates, the bowls, and the mugs. If you want them today, I'm asking for a nutragous candy bar in exchange for the set. The price may change tomorrow.1 point
put me down as a maybe. One suggestion is to pre-plan who is in what group this year1 point
I'd love to go this time!! On the calendar I've been enlisted to help Per NinjaDoc's request People who are in/maybe for the ride Hutch, mykill, habi, dizzledan kmanlyst fizzer 2talltim cmh Sprint link, the brown57, hellmutt, snot, quick accord, anden rollnhot twowheelsnake ninjadoc al zheimer bad324 connerot, CSC inyazz isaac papa jschaf mike53ali nautical1, sniper 308, suzuki star dying shadow rhill jdonn j copeland hailwood fiji 9 brother creep doom king mojocho tall tracy kent granada suzuki gsx bendougcarl timtheazn DAC Zachg91 ninjachk08 shep jbot 20thgix jdonn 600zz4eb Hoblick Jnor under PSI JohnG Keegan Brownsfan1 jlhsv bowdog 216cityboy blue yamar61 point
Hi My name is Steph Short for Stephane And yes I'm from Canada EH! ;o) I currently am in the process of repairing a 2000 Trans Am WS6 that I bought a year ago with front end damage (I'll have to dig to find some before pictures). It has been a project in the works for a little while. I'm fixing this car to be a street/Strip car and found your forum and though it could be good to talk to my friend from the south that love to race their cars also. The car is ready for paint now. It has long tube headers, lowering springs, magnaflow cat back, slp lid, slp elbow, ported tb, ls6 intake, ls6 valve springs, polyurethane motor, trans and all suspension bushings. EGR deleted, not cats, no rear 02's, when i get this car done I'll have to get the brains tune up on the dyno. Currently looking at doing a C6 brake swap and upgrade the weeks. Hopping to get it all done in the next couple of months.. PS sorry about the original post being so short. Steph0 points
-1 points
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