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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2012 in all areas
I signed up 3 people this week. Only costs $10 for an associate membership, so got my wife, mom and brother a membership. Also put $100 towards the NRA/ILA. Bought a new high-cap gun yesterday too. Why? Because fuck Magz that's why.2 points
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Weak, helpless or innocent are targets......not those that can and will fight back. Most cold blooded killers are cowards and opportunists, and that is how it has always been.....and will continue to be. Police state and martial law is on its way, it is on its way. If we became more like Switzerland, this country would shape up real fast.1 point
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You win, your kool-aide is much stronger than mine. I'm sure banning guns with bayonet lugs,threaded flash hiders and pistol grips will prove to be a noble cause for America just like in the past.1 point
They mentioned on and off duty police, reserve police, retired police and military, firefighters, etc. I wholly disagree with you. In no way would I advocate active duty military protecting our schools. Banning assault rifles is a feel-good measure. Gun free zones are feel-good measures. Etc. At least with someone armed in a school, there would've been a fighting chance. Without, it was literally like shooting fish in a bucket. I agree. The NRA speech today went along the same lines, and they even said they'd fund it. National School Shield. They are developing the courses and training, and will train any volunteers interested. No schools would be forced into it, but all schools would be welcome to participate.Like I said, I've never been a huge fan of the NRA. However, they're the first to come to the table with a real, logical proposition to resolve this issue of gun violence in our schools. Laws don't work. If they did, the shooters would've abided by the gun free zone and homicide laws. Criminals aren't law-abiding citizens. Creating more laws simply isn't a logical solution.1 point
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Worse, in some cities or states, any sort of body armor is illegal. Most are written as "when in use during commission of a felony". edit: or use of a firearm, whatever. edit: In Ohio it's "violent felony" 2941.1411 Offender wore or carried body armor specification.1 point
For those who missed it: http://home.nra.org/pdf/Transcript_PDF.pdf1 point
The ACLU is a blatant racist and biased organization, you think they give a good damn about the white man for anything? Well unless you are gay they might care about a white dude or woman. They have become a hate group IMHO, and the entire minority thing needs to go away.......show me an actual minority in the USA now? The ACLU has big supporters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, that right there says allot.1 point
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http://kontradictions.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/why-not-renew-the-assault-weapons-ban-well-ill-tell-you/1 point
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Quit calling these assault rifles........do you have any idea how small few in this country own a fully automatic combat rifle? Do you also realize that most AR and AK/SKS owners use their rifles to hunt with, or shoot targets? These are semi automatic rifles capable of high capacity, these are not M16's or full auto AK47's. Do you realize how many semi automatic pistols are capable of holding/shooting more than a 12 round capacity magazine.....are those assault pistols? We know that you would rather everyone only own a revolver or a single shot shotgun or rifle, but that just isn't being realistic or fair to the millions of responsible gun owners.....and I mean millions. Do you know the main reason why law enforcement went to semi automatic high capacity pistols, it is because the criminals had them and were killing too many police and overwhelming them. I will admit that I am not a big fan of gun shows, so wouldn't affect me at all should they ban them or make them much more strict with purchases. There are so many different ways a criminal can get ahold of a gun, no new laws or bans is gonna make a dent in that problem. Fight fire with fire, that is the country that we live in, you just haven't experienced that yet. Maybe if you had a Wife or kid to protect and keep safe, you "might" feel a bit differently about things. You truly think you are safe, and being complacent and under that illusion is very dangerous for you.1 point
another guy just said he had the same thing happen to him. old post but new question!1 point
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http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u604/red1993sol/IMG_0932_zps9db400f6.jpg http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u604/red1993sol/IMG_0893_zpsa0f984ee.jpg How it looked the day i got it with the factory BBS wheels! http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u604/red1993sol/IMG_0775_zps13de873f.jpg1 point
Recent conversation with my dad Dad-"It hurts getting in an out of my truck after getting these cortisone shots" Me-"I bet old man haha" Dad-"Old man? Don't forget the only thing between me and you is air and fear!"1 point
Here is Santa with my bike, not a very good cellphone pic though. Here is a better pic of Santa but not the bike, lol. Up next a pic of your bike with a Sleigh, with or without reindeer.1 point
Bandit12 --- 32 Quikaccord --- 30 TheBrown57 --- 24 Jst2fst --- 20 ZachG91 --- 16 CoolWhip --- 8 jstumpalump150 --- 7 20thGix --- 6 2fat2fly --- 5 abdecal --- 5 VanDyss --- 4 Anden --- 3 Exarch --- 3 nautical1 --- 3 Ninjachk08 --- 3 speedytriple --- 3 jdonn --- 2 pt377 --- 2 2talltim --- 1 Bad324 --- 1 Casper --- 1 Chevysoldier --- 1 jbot --- 1 Limenine9r --- 1 Mykill --- 1 List of Completed Challenges ****Be sure to check the list before posting the next challenge**** https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ymnEiHPLNOeGgJ4eznOtd2Wl5RFnSfBxHiFUm6PMl6U/edit1 point
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hello cr guys and girls. newbie here from baltimore (east of pickerington). my name is kevin and i love wrenching on anything. currently i'm getting back in the sport bike world and have a few projects in the garage. i've know of cr forum for many years, and tried joining a few times with no luck. so here i am, if anyone is from around baltimore drop me a line.-1 points
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