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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2013 in all areas

  1. Anyone else come in here because they read booby in the title and thats all that registered?!?!?
    2 points
  2. http://books.google.ca/books/serial/ISSN:00324558?rview=1&lr&sa=N&start=960
    1 point
  3. I'm warning everybody to NOT stop and visit with Turkeys when they're in the road.... They misunderstood what I was intending to CARVE...six of the crazy pissed off birds held me hostage for at least 20 minutes...they were in attack mode, surrounding me and trying to stab me with those sharp beaks ....shudda seen their reaction when I reached for their neck - bwaahaaaa ....just run over this suckers, do NOT stop - thought I'd never get outta there
    1 point
  4. This right here pisses me off. My best friend was hit. Ambush. Blown up humvee. She blacked out, came to, drug out 2 buddies to safety, and next thing she remembers she was in the hospital in terrible shape. Took over a year for her to be well enough to come stateside. Spent a majority of the time laid up in Germany. My grandfather dug for ordnance in mud pits in Viet Nam with a breaker bar. Drug multiple 140+ pound ordnances out of a downed plane while making his men stay clear of the blast zone. HE ran in HIMSELF and kept them from danger. HE earned awards. THEY risked their lives. THEY were outside the wire. THEY keep US and YOU free. You, dumbass, wrecked a dirtbike. No. He's a stain and embarassment to the Corps and the US. Having 2 BILs in 0300 positions and both being wounded in firefights/ambushs multiple times these claims drive me up the wall. This fools just another drain. He ranks right DOWN there with Honey Boo Boo and family. THANKS OBAMA! Was it an RPG or IED that asploded your dirtbike? My grandfather (RIP), my buddy, and my BILs have PERFORMED combat and they don't talk about "you have no idea what I have seen or done". I KNOW they, especially my grandpa, lived through worse than you, refused to drain any taxpayer money, and NEVER bragged about themselves or their service. Hell, we didn't even know of 7 medals grandpa received until post mortum. Thankfully my grandmother had kept newspaper clippings of him. A TRUE hero. This fool won't even man up and meet for a well deserved face slap. What makes you think him and his 315 lb bench would man up and trash talk this guy to his face. Prezacktly. BILs both have PTSD and the youngest, 21, is forever injured. Humvee asploded and rolled on top of him. I'm going to type that again in vain hopes that it will sink in. A HUMVEE ROLLED ON TOP OF HIM. They are both STILL serving and supporting their wives and kids. You're such a waste. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m76n46RYNQ1qi5xmv.png So it's safe to assume you pulled in hood first to your garage?
    1 point
  5. they were probably punishing you for that abomination where your passenger seat/rear cowl should go.
    1 point
  6. Its all a bunch of BS. Go back to the days of the west and let people figure it out on their own. It isn't brain surgery but this day and age it has become just that. Old days, eye for an eye. Now, you just get sued.
    1 point
  7. I believe these were the exact same reactions I had, in the same order.
    1 point
  8. Yea your a fucking dumbass
    1 point
  9. Bartering and dealing is okay, and getting a price match is fine... but intentionally being an asshole to someone in order to try to "work the system" just to get something free/cheap is not okay... it just makes you a cheap asshole. I hope you are not also the person who is rude to waiting staff at a nice restaurant in an attempt to get a free meal, or if the food/service isnt perfect you do the same. Based on your story though, I get that feeling. When I see those people acting out being assholes just to try to get something for free, it just seems sad and pathetic to me, and if you took the time to look around and see how people were looking at you, you would realize what a jackass you look like doing that. No one is high 5'ing you being a dick, bro. Your father sounds a lot like the way my grandfather raised me. Just a different generation back then I suppose. People cared about integrity and being a good moral citizen. I think he raised me well, and I try to live my life the same way. I find being kind and honorable gets me a lot better rewards in the long term than just being an asshole. I would like to think there is a reason why being a return customer to the places I go, I get discounts and great pricing without having to ask for it... I respect them, and I get respect in return.
    1 point
  10. I side with the cops. Criminals should've been shot even before the chase. These people were no good for society so eliminate them. However there were an excessive amount of cars for this chase. According to protocol three was plenty but 63? That sh!ts absurd.
    1 point
  11. http://www.gurneys.com/category.asp?c=631 great deals going on
    1 point
  12. That's not even remotely close to 5'7 148lbs
    1 point
  13. If I lived in the Netherlands and someone broke into my house I guess I use my dildo on them oppose to my gun since they prefer dick as their weapon of choice? Is this how the fight crime? Cock wars? I can see it now! Suck it and don't chip your teeth
    1 point
  14. This ones my favorite (maybe a repost) but its awesome! It's also from circleville Ohio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR6jOCnkAso
    1 point
  15. Welcome to the wonderful world of two faced politicians who do nothing more than draw a fat paycheck and do nothing legitimate for the people while in office.
    1 point
  16. Been at the.nar frr 7 hour, habent been this.hammmerd.in firever.
    1 point
  17. This thread drives the point home to me that it's "no country for old men" as the saying goes. When I was growing up, many adults told me stories about my father, how he helped them, how he was a great man, an honest man, how he was someone you could count on without reservation. He was a businessman who closed deals with a handshake, not a contract drawn up by a lawyer. A prominent man who had known my father since WWII once told me that my father's word was NOT as good as gold ...... it was better than gold, ".....because the price of gold fluctuates," he said with a smile. My father taught me that if a cashier made a mistake and gave me too much change, I needed to return the overage. "If you don't, you just found out how cheaply your integrity can be bought." To the best of my knowledge, Dad never lied to a salesman to get a better price, he never made a fuss and went "up the ladder" to get freebies, and he never found a price for his integrity. And I can tell you that his life was filled with more true friends and good will than any amount of money could buy. I just wish I could be more like my Dad.
    1 point
  18. Why do immature, uneducated people always equate gun ownership with undersized hang-downs? Its not like you can defend yourself with a big one, although that would be awesome. "i heard someone break into my house so I just beat him unmercifully about the head and neck with my freakishly large cock officer...he wasn't injured but things got weird and he left" Lol....
    1 point
  19. He doesn't stay there with us. He stays a town over in a low budget motel because he's black
    1 point
  20. I would tell you but, you would be wasting a trip if you went now. I cleaned out the .22 and nearly all the 9.
    -1 points
  21. You can go to Jolly pirate donuts and take a two hour shit for all I care.
    -1 points
  22. This thread is to share stories with each other on how you're getting ahead, one small leap at a time (or failing and we lulz). It' not being douche-e but trying to get the best discounts/advantages and sharing how you did so. Does anyone feel as though the guys getting closer to retirement are losing their touch with the technology barrier? You'll see what I mean. Dealership: Went to get my complementary oil change with a certain dealership. It was hell getting scheduled (three weeks in advance). When I get there (during work hours) they say they forgot to update inventory and had no filter. I immediately opened up on the representative and ask for satisfaction for my drive, time and missed servicing. He says "my hands are tied" and offers me a tire rotation. I thanked him in my head for this and asked for management. I stated I was pissed, I'm missing work, if I have to come back in two weeks I'll be over on my service on a new car (expressing I was very concerned about metal flakes in mah engine!). Ended up with: -Tire rotation -Free oil change -Free racetrack LED lights installed -They forgot to take my oil change voucher, I'll be back for my second one soon Furniture store: Older guy approaches me and asks what I'm looking for today. He immediately rubs be the wrong way. Red socks, Christmas looking sweater, an overcompensated handshake with worn out loafers. I tell him I want a grey sectional (I already knew the model I was there to buy). He sits down at his computer, complaining "it's slow" and double clicking everything in sight. I keep piecing together what I want until he finds it by description down to a single model. I tell him "That's great and I can't wait to stop by after work and get the couch!" I then send an email from the office and state along the lines of I'm sorry - my girlfriend found a deal online for $500 less, includes the full set (his didn't have an ottoman) with financing and free delivery. I include a link for him to show the difference. When you put it in your cart you have to add the ottoman, delivery is only free to the curb(costs more to carry it in) and there is no financing vs his 24 month same as cash. He matches it! All because I knew he wouldn't be savvy enough with a computer. Ended up with: -24 month 0 interest -free delivery -HUGE discount What about you chums?
    -1 points
  23. I am from the netherlands and I went to OSU for a short period. The school was not very good but I did get education in how ohio people have many guns. This is strange to me and must ask how small your penis? Many people were shot while I was at OSU. The school was awful so I had to go home, but I have to ask why men are so afraid? I rode a ninja 250 around campus. No good roads in Columbus unlike my home country, so I wonder why people had bikes and cars in that town. If money is no problem, just drive as bikes are less fun on straight roads. My main question is what is wrong with men in america. Why so afraid? Envy of guns makes me think penis envy may be issue
    -2 points
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