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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2014 in all areas

  1. I bought it on iTunes and i dragged the files into a folder on my dropbox account so this is Virus Free. Just click the link below and it will take you to the folder on my dropbox account that im sharing. Just click download in the upper right i think it is, and there ya go! I typically share these on my FB page only but i figured this is a very new CD so i figured people would like to get it for free. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2mek84ps9kt0y7h/AADr9ignR8ZTDbUHBPTBHCnka
    1 point
  2. Um you mean "what SHE said"
    1 point
  3. Heres one of my novice sessions. I started out in group 6, because I'd never been on mid ohio before. The CR told me to move to a faster group. I spoke with the guy running the novice group, and he told me to meet him in hot pit for the next session. We ran a session between group 2 and 3 and then ran a session behind group 1. He then threw at me we were going out in front of group 1, and thats what him and I did the rest of the day. Heres the first session him and I went out ahead of group one. My lines aren't perfect, but I sure had fun. The SV is way more fun on the track than I ever imagined.
    1 point
  4. sounds like it's superstock legal with WERA, correct? wish I had the funds for a full-sized race bike. This would be a great option.
    1 point
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