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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2014 in Posts

  1. Four years ago I posted my new driver's license picture which was pretty well received. I had to renew it again today... 2014 2011
    2 points
  2. While I understand your outrage, you can't charge parents with crimes committed by their kids. They're liable in civil matters for a few thousand dollars of damages, but they're their own thinking, breathing, decision-making idiots. The level of injuries sustained by the victims will determine whether or not this is assault, or felonious assault.
    2 points
  3. I know there's apple haters here, so c'mon out. Word has it that there'll be two larger sizes of iPhone, that the iWatch will be announced but not come out until 2015, and that the new iphone and maybe watch will have an NFC payment option. I think what apple does with NFC payments will determine if the event is seen as a "hit" or not. I'll admit I re-bought into apple stock not too long ago, but It's a LONG term investment, so what happens in the next week or two (or month or two) doesn't matter to me. Apple events normally show the stock price reflecting the hype and then dipping post-event. But face it, when apple brings out a watch, a real apple TV, or revolutionizes/mainstreams the mobile payments field, that's when they'll discover another multi-billion industry... and completely own it again, until other companies steal market share.
    1 point
  4. i actually don't dislike the apple stuff, i have a few of them. i've had ipads, iphones, ipods, ibooks, macbooks, etc etc etc. ...they're faggy. faggier than a lighting a fag with the tip of an already lit fag. tip to tip! tip to tip! tip to tip!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I wish all your sleds to have fouled plugs.
    1 point
  7. You're a sadistic fuck...You know that right?
    1 point
  8. so did they release whatever faggy new thing that will be the beginning of the death spiral of apple yet?
    1 point
  9. I reject your reality and substitute my own
    1 point
  10. You make me want to ride, ride, ride!!!
    1 point
  11. OP - You're not a nice person.
    1 point
  12. I would've agreed with you until I got and started using a Pebble. I love my smartwatch and I'll never go back. And yes, I'll upgrade when possible - to the Apple Watch. I don't care if it costs $350, I'll use it over 100 times a day. It will replace/extend my phone for most things. I love my Pebble, but there are lots of things it can't do, and the Apple Watch will address those concerns. Like I said earlier, Apple brings things into the mainstream. They have a way of creating EVOlution instead of REVOlution... iTunes. iPod. iPad. iPhone. ALL of those things created whole new industries around them, or at least ecosystems. Before iTunes, you were all using WinAmp. On your PC, and all it did was play music. You were also using a Sony Discman, until the iPod came along. Now, that iPod interfaces with iTunes, and iTunes manages all your music. Before the iPhone, you were using a flip phone that didn't browse the web or have these things called "apps." Before the iPad came out, what tablet were you using? A cheaper Samsung model? I don't think so. While there's some truth to the whole "yeah, only douchebags adopted the whole "wear a bluetooth thingy on your ear," watches are different. They're fashion for both men and women, and they're also extremely functional. Apple has (and will continue to) make them indispensable in every day life. Just like your cell phone. And no, it doesn't duplicate the phone's functions, it simply makes them 100 times easier to access. Apple may cost more, but that's because the build quality is higher. Look at any macbook pro and compare it to a plastic piece of shit PC and you'll see what I mean. Don't contradict me unless you've owned a unibody aluminum macbook, btw. As for the Apple Watch... How many people here have actually used and own a smartwatch? I wear mine daily and I love it... Yeah, it's no biggie to keep taking your phone out of your pocket, but you don't realize how much easier it is until you have it, and that's just for notifications... the fitness and apps potential, much less mobile payments, are another matter entirely.
    1 point
  13. Wearable devices are ghey. If you're willing to pay several hundred dollars to avoid the arduous task of retrieving your phone from your pocket then you deserve to look like a wanna be dick tracey. Remember when bluetooth headsets first came out? That became the surefire way to know if someone was a douchebag; if they were walking around with one on their ear like the borg.
    1 point
  14. Doesn't the ipad cost hundreds more than a 10" Samsung tablet? I haven't used a pc since I got a good smartphone. I torrent eveeything; movies, tv shows, music, porn... Look at the price difference for the 8 gig vs 16 gig iphone. Then go to ebay and buy a 128 gig card for like $35
    1 point
  15. I just take my oil filter off and the oil goes in the pan like it's supposed to. No extra tools, funnels, duct tape, shop vacs, aluminum foil, or other random kitchenware needed.
    1 point
  16. Yesterday had more crashes than I have ever seen in the Intermediate group in one day. There normally aren't that many crashes in all three groups over a two day trackday. I believe we had four or five red flags out of seven session. Two of those sessions had at least two bikes down. One of them resulted in Advance losing a session. I am happy that I didn't see any helicopters at least. Off topic kinda but here is a video I took yesterday.
    1 point
  17. What is the problem they are all good kids just having some fun lucky the kid did not have a gun or the mall would have been on fire by now.
    1 point
  18. aaaaaahahahaha
    1 point
  19. I Love the 955 and 1050 motors.. id stick with a Speed Triple as 150 miles really isnt that much. unless its all high way.
    1 point
  20. Soccer is kicking my ass at the moment, but if I can make a bike night with the bike you can take the Sprint for a cruise. But comming off of a S3 before it, the bikes don't have the same soul. Both are all day comfortable. The wind protection is nice on the Sprint. Cuts way down on fatigue. Hard bags, and still no helmet lock. Bottom line is the Sprint eats miles no sweat. The S3 asks you to hoon it up while it eats those same miles. You also don't get asked all the stupid questions the S3 gets.
    1 point
  21. This one is easy, just get a 2011+ Speed Triple and swap for the round headlights. While the 600s have plenty of power, it's in all the wrong places for daily street riding in my opinion. It sucks having to constantly row through the gears at 10k+ just to go anywhere. On the triple, I just crack the throttle open in any gear/RPM and go. I cannot stand riding the R6 on the street anymore (for my daily commute anyways).
    1 point
  22. Oh no idea, I don't know the guy well enough to dip into $ talk. I know he has a good amount but he also lives in Mansfield, so he doesn't have that much lol. Im guessing he spent some good coin on it, but sounds worth it to him, maybe not all, but I know he's out there from the minute hes off work until he goes to bed. If I was going to do that, I'd make the place the ritz carlton.
    1 point
  23. when he said "so what is pretty cheap?" I think he meant how much money do you consider "pretty cheap" in this scenario. I'm not in the know on pole-barns. My idea of cheap may be wildly different than someone who knows what a pro would charge.
    1 point
  24. Didn't it change to TrekRX??!?!
    1 point
  25. That's about as good of a rate as I ever got quoted for full coverage on a 2005 600. If you have a few speeding tickets and limited riding history, you're out of luck. Liability only for me... no way does paying 20% of the bikes value per year make sense unless you plan on going into full squidmode.
    1 point
  26. You probably couldn't do any worse than our last couple presidents. What the hell, you've got my vote.
    1 point
  27. this is why asians should be in charge. not only because we are clearly the superior race in every way, but because we hold both whites and blacks with equal disdain and contempt.
    1 point
  28. It will help for numbness on longer rides. Corbin has lots of different textures for the seat surface. Tell them you want one of the more grippy surfaces. Oh, and don't order from their website. Call and talk to someone. They gave me some good ideas for customization that I wouldn't have though of. Here is one I had custom made. After about 30,000 miles, I sold it on ebay for about $50 less than I originally paid (after I sold the bike).
    1 point
  29. Buy a used seat off Ebay. Send it to Russel following their directions. You will never have a better seat than the one they make just for you. https://www.day-long.com/
    1 point
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