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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2014 in Posts

  1. People are dicks. They get worse behind the wheel. For some reason the general public (gp from here on out) has this ego trip where they believe that they are the only ones doing the right thing on the freeway. The gp generally regards sport bikes as 'some asshole on a crotch rocket'. Doesn't matter what you do. If they're in the left lane they feel that that's as fast as anyone should go...they regard anyone going faster as an asshole....it's an ego thing....people are self righteous dicks and think they're doing what's best for everyone by camping in the left lane doing 3 over. Cruiser people generally don't like sport bikes...mostly because they believe that a motorcycle is supposed to be loud and shiny and a great way to get a tan. They believe that it's more safe to ride at 65 in a tank top and jeans than to do 80 in full gear. Some have bought into the mentality so much that they just rubber-stamp anyone on 'Jap crap' as an asshole because they haven't bought into the same mentality. My advice is to practice one-handed wheelies, then just pass them up on one while either simulating masturbation or felatio with the other hand. Don't worry, it's not like they'll ever catch up.
    2 points
  2. Looks like the repavement is complete. Such a fun road. Lots of twisties and many are open turns that you can see the through the corner. Here's the video of us running through it last weekend on the Z1000 shakedown ride.
    1 point
  3. I have heard countless times about the "Yucatan", this must happen so my asshole explodes the next day, besides all the anal sex we'll be having on the way over and back of course. Anyways, thank's for posting the details, like I said and just told Brian, I believe I have 3 100% confirmed, plus Twisted, plus CBUS, plus I think I have 1-2 more interested. Thanks for working with us and thank you for giving us the details on 7hrs felt out.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Rebel can be a hard bike to ride for beginners...your feet are in front of you and you set back, almost like falling backwards. I always try to steer beginners to a UJM type of bike, Ninja 250/300, or trail type dirt bike.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Sara would kill me for posting this, but she called me from her MSF course crying. She just wasn't getting along with the rebel 250. They moved her to a TW200, and she did great. Came home and rode my 500 just fine.
    1 point
  8. When people do obnoxious things, I just wave at them. Nothing else it just makes them feel stupid. Lol.
    1 point
  9. Oh man, getting some drinks after class too? I like this more and more.
    1 point
  10. Don't give me ideas. Under the deck, watching the cutting motion in slo-mow. (Ba-dum-TSSS... slow-MOW, get it?)
    1 point
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