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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2014 in all areas

  1. I'm posting this mainly so no one else has to deal with the amount of worrying I've done over the last week. My lips were on fire, and I started developing herpes-like sores in the corners of my mouth. Dermatologist says "it's either a staph infection, or herpes." Culture for the staph infection came back negative. Great... Then I notice my junk is itching more than normal, and see a rash starting to develop. What. The. Fuck? Long story short, after spending about 3 days thinking I caught the herp somewhere, and just haven't known it for a decade, I have just been made aware that the skin of mangoes contains an oil similar to the stuff that makes poison ivy react with our skin. While mango allergies are relatively rare, I had peeled and eaten one the night before my symptoms began, and it's something I eat VERY rarely. Because it's an oil-based liquid, dish soap should wash it off, but hand soap (or a quick rinse of water) may not. Use the bathroom 20 minutes after mango-peeling, and there's the junk issue... Anyway, be warned.
    2 points
  2. ...and don't get frisky with the wife after peeling jalapenos. Just sayin'.
    2 points
  3. What if scooter McGee deserved it...maybe he was a shithead
    2 points
  4. I'm more interested in what your wife had to say
    2 points
  5. so I'm thinking when the weather really makes a turn for the worst, we need an outlet. so i was thinking why not hold some fun activities out at my place. tubing behind my maverick 1000 snow racing on pit bikes snow drags (atvs, sxs, pit bikes) i have a pretty decent lot to do these activities, and a heated barn we can retreat to when we need to get warm or just take a break. im also thinking of holding another winter meet and greet, we can screen some motorcycle movies, have some drinks and talk about whats planned for next riding season.
    1 point
  6. Moving to Stoutsville this weekend. All help is welcomed and appreciated. Got a big box truck, but might need some trailers. Will be providing food and beer and other liquids for all involved and if we use your truck and trailer I will pay for your gas. Who wants to help a brother out?
    1 point
  7. Unless you have freakishly small hands that smell like cabbage....i'd wear my helmet all the time, on or off the bike, with those fuckers flying around
    1 point
  8. Sweet mother!!! Those aren't wasps….those are birds. Angry birds. Shit in my helmet….those things in my helmet….same effect….don't need it anymore. I'm buyin' a new one!!!
    1 point
  9. Everyone involved in the posting and filming of this video should have to suck Frankie off.....that's just messes up.
    1 point
    1 point
  11. forthwith, your name is now "MangoFucker97" mods, make it happen
    1 point
  12. This baller does it all the time, and one legged.
    1 point
  13. Peaches come in a can. They were put there by a man. In a factory downtown.
    1 point
  14. I used to believe in ghosts...then I turned 6. Not a joke. True story.
    1 point
  15. Looks like it's on a scooter. Probably deserved it.
    1 point
  16. Some of my favorites -- iPhone 5S Canon 7D (this is my photo) Canon 7D, first try at long exposure (Tulip Time festival in Holland, MI from across lake) iPhone 5S iPhone 5S - Holland, MI state park Big Red lighthouse
    1 point
  17. Ummm, guys, it's just a wee bit more complicated than how much surface area of polar ice is melting or freezing…. The main issue with the increase in hydrocarbon emissions is an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. First, CO2 is obviously a greenhouse gas, although not necessarily one of the big actors--methane is a much better compound for trapping radiant heat, and the major sources of methane are organic bio-degradation, termite activity and bovine flatulence….ahem. However, CO2 is mostly absorbed by our oceans, which act as huge, nearly infinite sinks for the gas. Problem is that the oceans no longer have a near 'infinite' capacity to absorb our excess HCs. As the oceans have become more saturated with CO2, it has acidified the water. As the pH of the oceans drop, the ability of the water to absorb CO2 also diminishes, so it's very much a double-edged sword. At some point, the theory is that our oceans will stop absorbing CO2 and may even begin to out-gas, which would lead to a rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 and corresponding rapid increase in world-wide temps. This isn't even taking into account the effect ocean acidification has on the life balance in the ocean's eco-system, which is still one of the primary food sources for the world's population. I readily agree that the science of global warming is still far from being 100% predictive, but you'd have to be totally uninformed and uneducated about the effects the industrial revolution has had on carbon dioxide emissions over the last two centuries to ignore the potential for environmental and economic disaster caused by rising global temps. I doubt that my generation will live to see the compounding effects of our choices, but my children, your children, and our grandchildren will most certainly experience the effects.
    1 point
  18. My understanding of the data is that global temperatures haven't risen in the last 17 years at all. This fact tends to be glossed over by those making a living studying global warming or advocating against industrial civilization.
    1 point
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