Without a sustained and well-done media campaign by DOT, lane splitting will be contentious and problematic here because few people outside of super-congested California understand or appreciate the benefits (to them) and the safety increase to us. Every time I talk this over with non-bikers, their objections are either: It's unsafe (they just feel this, with no substantiation or experience), or ultimately it's not fair that you get to "cut ahead of everyone"....even if you explain reducing the traffic load gets them them to their destination faster and reduces the chances of bike collision which REALLY snarls traffic....they still cling to "it's not fair". Ohioans are stupid, and narcissistic...by and large...but many people the nation over are. Californians only have a slight leg up on them in that they're slightly conditioned to the practice. Hell, 90% of the people I know can't handle a round-a-bout.