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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2015 in Posts

  1. Yes, I'm excited. I'm the ginger that probably most of you don't know. I guess this will be somewhat of a bachelor party sort of thing. Even though I don't know a lot of you, if you're cool enough to be coming out to MotoGP then I'd love to see you all at whatever shenanigans we get into. The more the merrier.
    2 points
  2. My problem is with those people that get passed by multiple people on the right and yet continue to sit in the left lane, even when given the chance to move over. I often try to give people a chance to get over and they still just sit there, and I end up having to go around on the right as well. I get it, I have found myself in the left lane a time or 2 and just not thinking about it in the car, but the minute someone goes by on the right I feel like a heel and move over ASAP. My daily commute would be so much nicer if others could figure out the left lane is for passing, but from what I have seen its not gonna happen. Many people feel if they are any speed over the limit they have the right to be in that left lane. Frustrating to me. I have no problem with you driving the speed you're comfortable with, just let me run my pace as well. Move over, I promise I won't take long to get by.
    2 points
  3. Although if can act like a dog but not poop, then it may be okay.
    1 point
  4. This is the guy that climbed on the hood of a car to shoot two unarmed people 49 times that just got off Scott free in the courts and will most certainly get back pay from Cleveland. http://www.cleveland.com/bay-village/index.ssf/2015/06/cleveland_police_officer_micha.html#incart_m-rpt-1 So this guy is a drunk, abusive and quick to fly off the handle. But he is an awesome cop right...he was justified shooting those two unarmed people right. Bullshit.
    1 point
  5. you will be disappointed on comfort and wind protection. pony up and get the new multistrada and you will be muuuuuuch happier. that being said i need to stay away from iron pony for a while or ill be tempted to own a multistrada again
    1 point
  6. I don't agree with what they did, but I don't think any of them would have been convicted anyway - not when the judge made a finding that the decision to open fire was reasonable given the information they were told, and that the suspect vehicle was being used as a weapon and ramming into a police car. I agree that they should be disciplined for breaking protocol, if that's actually what happened. If there were no protocols for this situation, or for avoiding this situation, then that is a symptomatic of a larger failure within the leadership. I'm curious as to what would have happened if they had charged Brelo with abuse of a corpse, or criminal damaging of the vehicle. They're misdemeanor offenses, but when all else failed, you can't say "you can't prove they were alive when he shot" and also say "you can't prove they were dead when he shot the bodies." It is beyond a reasonable doubt that they were either alive or dead, and bullets from his firearm struck those people/corpses. One must necessarily be true (or so I would have argued).
    1 point
  7. If you want a perfect listen for The section of 28S heading to bridal veil falls, this was always my favorite cause the best works so well with the turns
    1 point
  8. Got my legal issues solved with out involving a lawyer. Hopefully I'll be adding to the collection if nekkid Hondas on Sunday with sidewinders hawk. After that all we will need is superhawk and a cb1000r and we will own all the "modern" naked Hondas made since the late 80s.
    1 point
  9. This was also one of the reasons that they used it helps control the speed and is why I will lane split when needed. “The bottom line is there is no law if there's no law enforcement.”
    1 point
  10. I try to be courteous, but if I'm already doing 10 over and actively passing people, I'm not getting stuck in the right lane just so you can do 20 over. It's a passing lane. If I'm passing, stay off my ass. I will move right when it's appropriate.
    1 point
  11. Pretty simple if your not passing a vehicle your left lane camping. Idon't care if you want to drive in the left lane so long as you yeild faster traffic.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Make an offer, I dont know what they sell for and needs a new home. Works fine, one tiny crack on the screen in the top corner, barely notice it. Slipped out of my pocket when I was laying on the ground. I was hoping to get maybe $175 without any research, dont know if that is high or low.... Ill post photos later if anyone is interested
    -1 points
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