There is no doubt there are gun grabbers out there that would say almost anything to make that happen. But the theory that our own government is behind, 911, Sandy Hook, Vegas, Orlando or even Parkland is freaking insane. I'm all in for the 2nd amendment but all this conspiracy bullshit ON BOTH SIDES needs to stop. Trump isn't Hitler, Obama wasn't Hitler no one is trying to "take over" America from with in. Yes they are all liars on their own agenda ALL of them(both sides) usually on a economic agenda not a take over a nation level. I like my guns I want to keep my guns and i'll fly that banner all day long. But as soon as someone that I support starts slinging the mud in a way that just seem insane I'm done with them. With todays tech and cameras in every ones pocket there is no way a large government cover up could ever fly. I'm about to go on a social media unfriend campaign due to this and ill be unfriend both people that support the left and right because I'm just that sick of it.