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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2022 in all areas

  1. Well Jake and I will be there on Sunday @TimTheAzn.
    1 point
  2. Come ride with us. We go somewhere most every weekend. Going to HMC/Burning Rock/Outlaw Trails this weekend. Rush the next two
    1 point
  3. Trying to look at this from outside. So, you're basically asking a 'friend of a friend of a friend' to give someone a car at below market value? That class/size of car's only going to be even more inflated right now due to tater's emotionally reacting the fuel prices. I did a quick AutoTrader search of just Civics. I imagine you might have more luck with the others due to possibly higher depreciation. There are Zero on AutoTrader in that area. Only half a dozen in Columbus area and they all look like they are at (shady?) used car lots. https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/all-cars/cars-under-20000/honda/civic/portsmouth-oh-43214?dma=&searchRadius=50&priceRange=&location=&startYear=2017&marketExtension=include&maxMileage=50000&isNewSearch=true&showAccelerateBanner=false&sortBy=relevance&numRecords=25 This one could be a deal, but Alpha Motorsports sounds like Denny Dotson... maybe worse if the owner imagines themself as an Alpha https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=629951921&allListingType=all-cars&maxPrice=20000&priceRange=&makeCodeList=HONDA&modelCodeList=CIVIC&city=Columbus&state=OH&zip=43214&location=&searchRadius=50&startYear=2017&marketExtension=include&maxMileage=50000&isNewSearch=false&showAccelerateBanner=false&sortBy=relevance&numRecords=25&dma=&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fall-cars%2Fcars-under-20000%2Fhonda%2Fcivic%2Fportsmouth-oh-43214%3Fdma%3D%26searchRadius%3D50%26priceRange%3D%26location%3D%26startYear%3D2017%26marketExtension%3Dinclude%26maxMileage%3D50000%26isNewSearch%3Dfalse%26showAccelerateBanner%3Dfalse%26sortBy%3Drelevance%26numRecords%3D25&clickType=supplemental I had an EX-T MT of a similar year (and an Si a year or two later) and really liked it. The base car get's a 2.0L n/a and the 'upgarde' is a 1.5L turbo, noticeably more power and better MPGs.
    1 point
  4. Man... I remember when first cars were under $3k..... no other stipulations other than it ran . Hope your friend's daughter realizes how fortunate she is.
    1 point
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