It has enough electronic controls to rock you in the cradle of nanny safety.
I over paid for this bike just to have a bike right now to the extent that I wouldn't have bought the Competition version without these unique circumstances.
I wasn't completely satisfied with my '16 SXR because of the over intrusive electronics so as soon as they announced this MXR I got on the list because it has two generations of updated electronics which shouldn't neuter the bike in specific scenarios. A few weeks after that I cleaned my bike up ready to sell and put it up for consignment at the dealership which was in July. I didn't ride last summer at all past mid July.
There is a white MXR with the same motor, same electronics and forged wheels without all the carbon fiber, which would have been perfect but no one knows when they will be available. That bike would have saved $5,500 in M.S.R.P. over the one I bought just because I wanted a bike now to overcompensate for the lack of riding last year.
I'm coming up on a return to work date in June from a five month leave of absence so I'm trying to get as much riding in as I can by then.