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Everything posted by xtremef4i

  1. I might stop by later in the cage Dustin. I want to drop off some brake fluid, my new mid pipe, and the parts for tomorrows project. Text me if you read this to let me know when I should stop by.
  2. Nice. But we're all friends here right?
  3. Nice save Nick. I read the original post you had. now Im going to be parraniod, j/k. I would give you rep but I have to spread some more around first
  4. Since we cant argue about politics anymore, we may as well argue about cops and the law, lol. I found this thread interesting but I think no matter what, a cop is going to be right (or the judge will side with the cop) 9 times out of 10.
  5. We're rooting for you Brooks. Its cool to see this process come along. I think many of us would love to have the "prototype" versions before they hit the big times and sell for twice the price
  6. The thought of rain brings to mind that rap song that goes like this "I make it rain, I make it rain, I make it rain on these ho's"
  7. I have experienced it personally. That mama jama will lift up with no effort. Wheelies shouldnt matter to Jarvis, his off-road skills are so fly, there is no need to show off by doing wheelies on the street
  8. Seems like it rains every Thursday.....
  9. Were these the roads you were going to show us or do you know more hidden secrets? Many of us have traveled these roads before, so most of us are comfortable with what they have to offer.
  10. Looks like fun. After looking at Google map, ALL the roads in that area are twisty as hell!
  11. Nice. It gives me something to look forward to so its not the same ole same ole. Can we do another demo ride? I really liked the last demo I had
  12. Looks in good shape from the pics. See if the seller will let you test ride it to make sure it tracks good
  13. Nick, Will this be a variation of the last big Sunday ride we had? I know you always have a couple tricks up your sleeve when it comes to a slightly different route
  14. You will probably make a shit ton of money if you sell your design rather than sell out of your house
  15. Dustin that cracks me up. I didnt know they made a cartoon about Jarvis and his off road abilities
  16. I voted HJC since thats what my last 2 lids were
  17. I miss this thread. It used to be a bunch of random rambling without a point with a rare mention of Thursday rides......now its dead
  18. It takes me an hour to clean my bike and its always clean. Lary, your bike would take me a half a day lol. I say keep with the dirty theme... its easier that way
  19. Awesome. Congrats. I like what you did with it.
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