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Everything posted by xtremef4i

  1. Updated list: People going: xtremef4i wrillo NinjaNick fusion Cattmouch33 knodel e-flores f4isvt???? CBRzach Dustinsn3485 jarvismb 1dtfgsxr balagormia speed Catman
  2. OK so some of you know Dustin from the Dayton area. Not really a shop review (well kinda sorta) but more so a mechanic review. I just wanted to say thanks for him helping me out and for his knowledge of bikes. Every question I ever throw at him, he answers. He is pretty smart to bike related questions, as well as other things. Anyways, I took my bike over to his place a couple weeks ago and we checked the valve clearance on my 01 CBR. Luckily, everything was still in spec after ~17K miles. We got back together last night to put new plugs in and sync the throttle bodies. Haven't rode the bike yet, but just from revving it up, it seems to have better throttle responce. The throttle bodies werent too badly out of sync but we got them evened back up. I must say, that throttle sync tool (motion pro SYNC PRO) is pretty neat how it works. To make a long story short, Dustin is a great guy, great mechanic, willing to teach/explain, has a flexible schedule, and has pretty good rates. Oh, and he is fun to ride with as well. He can do just about everything except dyno tuning but I hope that is somewhere in his future.... way down the road. Thanks again Dustin!
  3. you dont happen to have the OEM style metal exhaust manifold gasket for the passenger side do you (one never installed of course)? Mine is leaking slightly from the Gaskets I used that came with my headers. its a long shot but worth asking.
  4. I cant afford shox.... I'll stick to my $40 Adidas, K Swiss, and Nikes from Kohls.
  5. Thats it! I finally figured it out. I always knew there was something funny about you lol, j/k
  6. I was just making a funny. ring ring ring ring ring oops, my banana phone is ringing. gotta go
  7. is that thing gonna be broken in in time for a beat doen on the dyno?
  8. this video reminded me of watching Nick pull into the Spillway parking lot
  9. sure is nice looking. GL with the sale
  10. xtremef4i

    Tuesday 3-17

    i am speechless. That is funny lmfao. My hair is brown by the way...
  11. Add balaormiga to the list. Post 91 indicated he might come as well. total so far: 13
  12. xtremef4i

    Tuesday 3-17

    OK I'll accept that I met them in my car because it was raining and everyone knoes I dont roll in the rain. I'd still drive my car to hang out because who wouldnt want to laugh it up with Jarvis or watch Cattmouch down enough food for a family of 4? The avitar picture I got off the internet but yea same one... I dig the reaper stuff
  13. xtremef4i

    Tuesday 3-17

    I hope you rode your bike to work because if you meet up with people in your car, you qualify for pansy status like myself. I will be able to give you crap for meeting up with fellow bikers in the cage. Is this what you want?
  14. Dont think or worry about wrecking. Just ride and enjoy the thrill. Riding is a part of who you are. no sence of depriving yourself.
  15. Congrats. Glad to hear things are going good for ya. so Ar eyou going to still get a new bike? if you have to stay out of trouble, you might not want to ride with the Dayton group, well, mostly just Nick, haha
  16. We better get our banana phones out and start callin each other!!!!
  17. Im with you Dustin. Oldies but goodies
  18. Nick we are in the same club. Skullhead of the Satan's Barbers MC
  19. roster updated. If your name isnt there let me know
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