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Everything posted by xtremef4i

  1. Im not scared of u big brotha. Bring it
  2. Dustin just so you know my plugs and sync tool came in. It actually came in Thursday and we could have put my bike back together but the people at Honda of Troy didnt call me. Let me know when you want to finish
  3. We;come to the site. We are getting a lot of Dayton peeps recently. Its awesome. We are catching up to C-bus, lol
  4. That too. I was bored at work when I poseted that
  5. awesome looking Brooks. Congrats. so is that gonna be your street machine that you ride with us on? are you stunting this too?
  6. if anyone knows how to set the air screws perfect it is Dustin. He got real good at practicing on my old 250 like 10 times everytime i messed with it.
  7. This thread needs a bump. I have nothing of value to add really. I think our list of peeps meeting up is about as big as its going to get.
  8. Please dude....... its ok, u dont have to put up the tough guy approach. I'll let you ride it.
  9. +1 lol. I havent heard of any in the past few years from Honda. I know someone will dig something up now.... Zuki and Kawi have always been at the bottom of my wish list. Kawi has done a great job at improving its product line, I'll give them that. Their 600 might even be the best 600 of the year. We will say what the shootouts say.
  10. Textiles will protect me just fine to an extent. I only asked because at Kil-kare, you used to be able to get away with no kill switch, a protective jacket, helmet and jeans
  11. When did you get the F4? do you still have your yami too?
  12. 12, you are one of the elite few.....how about you let me borrow one of your bikes and teach me to stunt. I'll join your social group
  13. I know you were tempted to put the old plugs in the F4i and take her out for as spin..... I dont blame you. its sexy
  14. I'd love to but im too cheap to buy leathers. Would they say textile was ok as long as pants and jacket were attached? And I dont want to add a tacky looking kill switch to my bike
  15. What he said. I ordered the plugs and sync tool yesterday.
  16. I think this special for $150 ends in March. The dyno day is $25 for 2 pulls, nothing else. Welcome to the site. Glad to have anther Dayton rider. post up in the intro section
  17. Man was I glad they were in spec. But be ready in about 2 years. They'll need it by then Im sure. Im gonna see how cheap I can get the plugs and sync tool today
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