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Everything posted by xtremef4i

  1. Welcome from a fellow Dayton rider. Hope to see you around a lot once it gets warm. And I'd like to see you give NinjaNick and his 14 a spanking lol
  2. Count me in with you and Jon. And I voted Hookers...
  3. Are you moving to the cheese state? who am I going to have to look up to if there is no Ninja Master?
  4. That sounds fun. Wanna race? I might leave work early and meet up with you and we can do some drags
  5. Good Luck with the sale. I loved my 96' xr400 to death but sold it because I didnt ride it as much as I used to.
  6. That made me laugh pretty good Dustin. Rep points for you!
  7. So what would it cost to have you create a custom tune on my PC, including the dyno time and A/F reading? My PC is the older PC III non USB version where you can only change the fuel curve. I also have an adjustable igtition advancer that you could play with to get the tune perfect.
  8. I have had a fiberglass hugger for about 4-5 years on my bike. I would stay away from fiberglass. I have chips missing out of the edge from rocks and the front part of it towrads the front of the bike has had spiderwebbed cracks in it for the last 2 years. Iit looks good untill you look real closley at it. I have been thinking about replacing it with ABS but its in decent enough shape to keep it for now. I'll wait till it gets worse then get plastic
  9. Good choice with the red/white combo
  10. Hell I would donate just to hang out with him at Hooters and laugh/be scared for my life when he is a dick to the waitress. lol
  11. Sharp looking bike and welcome!
  12. Should have got a craftsman to save money. does the same job and just as good of tool. One of these days I'll use mine. I have had it for a year and have yet to use it. I just like to have tools in case I ever need them.
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