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Everything posted by xtremef4i

  1. Dont you have friends that work at the Honda dealership in Troy? Cant they hook a brotha up? I just bought parts from there and got hooked up. I also know a person that works there so that might be why I got a deal. I looked on their website, looked up the parts I needed and wrote down the price. the prices were cheaper online than they are in person at the dealership. But, they make their money back in shipping off the website. So get the cheaper prices of their website, write them down then take it in the store and tell them you got the prices on their website. They should honor the lower price since it came from their website. Ask for Stacey behind the parts counter and tell her Brad sent ya.
  2. +1 they have any thread combo you could want. There's one in Troy and the nre one they built on Kings Chapel but not sure if they are officially open yet. And I am sure they could special order bolts too if they dont have them. But, knowing Honda, there are probably going to be at least one or two you have to order thru the Honda dealer only. that seems to always be my luck anyway.
  3. Do you have to have permission from each company before you can print their names, like registered trademark or something? This is totally in the opposite direction of your question but I would be interested in some, dont know what yet. Would you also be able to print decals such as the Honda wing on a gas tank and "CBR" that is on my fairing? I am a chrome fanatic, so could you print chrome stickers? Sorry for hijacking the thread but Im interested if you get into this. Tapeworks can't print me any licensed Honda things because of some aggrement they have'nt been able to finalize for a long time now.
  4. Doesnt look like anyone is getting together tonight. I just made other plans.
  5. Oh yeah he is remodeling his house. Dustin and I made a seal driver for my bike out of a PVC coupler. it was only good for one fork job since we had to grind it down so thin to fit my fork tubes. but it was way cheaper than buying the actual tool. I say we just dive in head first and you have all winter to come up with a seal driver or make one. it should be easy and Im sure thetre are plenty of how to's on other forums.
  6. What time are we meeting and where? And who is actually showing up? Im still down as long as everyone is still getting together. I miss getting together every week and laughing (most of that was due to Jarvis and his humor). It wont be the same when the bikes arent involved tho.
  7. I jave chrome from all over. ebay, extreme performance cycle (EPC), Jeepers racing, etc...there is a place in Piqua called aesthetic fisishers. they do good work. they did Dustins yellow rims I think. www.afipowder.com
  8. Knodel. So you have some tricks up you sleeve on the 600 i see. you going to drag that bike with the N2O?. Its going to be that much harder trying to keep up with you know. I almost bought a n2o kit a few years back but didnt have anywhere to hide a bottle. where did you hide it?
  9. Its real easy. just pick up your phone and call Dustin. I could help but i dont have a seal driver. taking them apart is the easy part
  10. ok that was halarious Dustin. very clever you are. If there are going to be a lot of peeps gathering thursday, I might join. I have plenty of work to keep me busy all week. but i might be down if its gonna be a sweet thursday night in Dayton
  11. Im not sure yet. Work is busy this week for me so there is posibility of working ot as well. by the way, this snow and cold sucks
  12. I hate the idea of having to switch every year. it would be easier if everyone got together and spread it out in a 2-3 day thing and work with everyone else's shcedules so everyone could be together every year
  13. Thursday Nights in Dayton a.k.a. post whore thread I am staying around here. Mandy's dad's side for lunch in West Alex/Eaton, stop off at Mandy's Gma's (mom's side) after that, then my mom's side for dinner. Unfortunately, It doesnt look like I'll make it to my dad's side or my Step-dad's side of the family this year. But, when you have like 5 different sides of the family to go to, some are going to get left out. I wish I were going somewhere nice and warm
  14. I knew it! this thread is dead now that its cold. Come late March, early April, I bet this thread is at close to 75% full strength and 100% by May
  15. I didnt know there was any groups in Dayton on this board with names. The guy that started the thread in in the Cincy area
  16. Shit dont I feel like a retard. I was looking in the morror, thinking my body was turned around looking out the back window (not looking in the mirror) and read it backwards. I tried to overwork my brain. See, if I was the vehicle in front, I would have caused more harm by letting you pass lol
  17. I saw a guy at a QSL bike night that had a cruiser with a car tire on it. It was cool, but an odd sight and I dont know how he turns because theat flat tire has to be a bitch
  18. That sticker tells people to move over in the lane of on comming traffic. WTF? It should read backwards to the driver can read it in their mirrors. and it should point them to the right, not the left
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