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Everything posted by jarvismb

  1. i'm totally here for the gang bang.
  2. couple more weeks until my class is done for the summer. i'll be more into the idea then, when i have more time.
  3. you have the Carlton uneasy....
  4. as is the case with us jews, i tend to have the yellow fever, sooo.....
  5. this has been the nerdiest showing of e-penii ever on OR...
  6. I just got off the phone with Mike as well, and he was absolutely great to work with. Customer service seems harder to find nowadays, and these guys still have it. In addition to simple solid customer interaction on the phone, I found that he even keeps up with his target audience online and we had a quick chat about various OR e-drama and assorted thread hilarity. It's good to see guys take an active role in making their business work. I needed a left clip-on for my track bike, and I needed it soon. Not only did they have it, but he's got it in a box and out the door before close of business today, and I'll have it tomorrow. These guys are all over it. So far I've dealt with Justin and Mike and they're both top notch guys, so I'm 2 for 2 on dealing with great people at Cycle Search. Keep it up fellas, and thanks again.
  7. jarvismb


    Just got my tires done on the CBR this weekend, and thank god because as we took a look at them after removal, they were in desperate need of a change. It actually kind weirded me out how different things felt when I first took off. Aside from my complete testicular ineptitude while riding home, the bike feels phenomenal, and Dustin did a great job. Even the balancing feels smooth as butter. Also met his father, who also seemed like a great down to earth guy as well. Dustin's got a great little shop running there for us Dayton folks, and I'll be bringing my GSXR wheels there this week to get the same treatment.
  8. any guy that's more worried about hearing from a chick than riding safely in a group has far too much ego than proper Darwinian gene pool selection will allow...
  9. that video + this quote = why I don't have my Eclipse anymore :sadface: I was on I-65N going to Chicago when this video happened. I pulled over as fast as I could and got to the middle of the car, away from the windshields and the sunroof. The hail was flexing my front windshield so much it almost knocked off the rearview mirror and it was making a sealed-drum effect in the car that made your eardrums hurt. It ended up up totaling the car while I was in it. Shattered the headlights, destroyed every body panel, and even covered the fiberglass rear spoiler in spider cracks all across the length of it. The hail had been hitting the ground like little mortar shells, and had kicked up so much mud from the impacts that my entire car (even the roof) was covered in mud and chunks of grass. It was severely uncool, but in the sun, my car looked like swiss cheese for the next month until State Farm took it away.
  10. jarvismb


    He'll be doing my tires shortly - both CBR and GSXR. (no knobbies, before you jerks ask)
  11. Additional generic monosyllabic video compliment!
  12. the Thursday rides are officially back on and they now begin and end in Tipp. When we sit down to eat, Matt has to be at least two seats away from me so I have a chance to finish.
  13. you're clearly asking for a friend....right?
  14. jarvismb

    Are you LOST?

    Having read Dante's Divine Comedy way back in the day, I can tell you that I'm firmly of the belief that this whole thing is the writer's interpretation of Dante, especially Purgatory. According to Dante, Purgatory is where those who are in limbo as to their final resting place go to experience a final "test" of what kind of person they are and where there final destination will be. It takes as long as it takes and everyone can experience it differently if they must. This is the island. All the strange situations it presented to the characters are the tests. This is why they are somewhat odd or unique. Here's the thing I got from the show as a whole: everyone died in the crash, in the very beginning. The island they experienced after, was their purgatory, and the choices they made as they were there defined where they would end up. I have many reasons to think this, but a couple are the very last scene in the last episode, they showed the wreck on a deserted beach. That's because everyone was dead from the beginning, and that's what it really looked like. Also, other things, like Linus not going into the church at the end. His purgatory was not complete. Notice how he asked for forgiveness, and when he got it, he said it would help. That's part of his journey through purgatory. The flash sideways is part of the acceptance of those who were deemed worthy to pass onto Paradise, and their acceptance of this final destination. There are tons of things that go along with this, but like I said, too much to explain here. I.E. the light at the bottom of the cavern - it's a passage to the Inferno that's sealed up, and it's men's greed that brings them there. All makes sense, and that's why it gets all red and angry when it's opened for a bit.
  15. well played quote, sir!
  16. my sweet little baby jesus, this is phenomenal.....
  17. i'm playing it now, it's the tits.
  18. yea, those were pretty fun back when I played. For years I wasn't the best at throw-ins because I really couldn't throw it that far, but I practiced those for a while and eventually I got to the point where I was practicing by throwing over my parent's two-story house from the front yard to the back. They're fun throws if you can aim them, and even little guys like me can get some serious stank on the ball if you do it right. The aim is what takes the practice....
  19. ahh, yes, the lambo door....so played out, even this picture made to harass it is played out.
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